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Esther, A Faithful Hero Who Trusted God

Hidden within the very things that cause us fear are opportunities to trust God for our peace and protection. As we saw in the last devotional, Esther encountered some significantly frightful situations, not the least of which was being forced to leave the safety of her family and become part of the Persian King’s harem. How terrifying it must have been for this chaste young Jewish maiden. But God had provided for her in the past – placing her in the care of her older cousin Mordecai to raise as his own daughter when she was orphaned – and He would again.

As Esther’s story unfolds, we see God taking care of her time and time again, showing Himself trustworthy in her life. When she entered into the household of prospective queens, the Lord gave Esther favor with Hegei, the overseer, who made sure she received special care and accommodations beyond what he provided for the others.

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When it was Esther’s night with the king, Hegei counseled her on what to take with her, giving her an edge over the competition. The king favored Esther above every other and chose her to be his queen, the Queen of Persia. 

“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord Himself, is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation.”
— Isaiah 12:2

As Esther considered Mordecai’s request that she plead with the King on behalf of the Jewish people, she realized the possibility that it could end in her death. She chose to put her life in God’s hands and go to the king regardless of the consequences, saying, “I will go to the king, and if I perish, I perish.” But first, she would pray. God’s faithfulness to her in the past prompted her to intently seek His guidance on presenting her request to the king. 

Ultimately, the Lord guided her to a plan that took three uncertain days to carry out. The king could have grown tired of her putting him off in revealing her request, not just once but twice, as she invited him to one feast and then another, each with Haman in attendance. Esther had to trust the Lord each day, each moment. God showed Himself trustworthy yet again by setting up a dramatic disclosure of Esther’s Jewish heritage, the threat against her life, and wicked Haman’s guilt in the matter. 

When fear takes hold, or God calls us to do something that seems too big for us, He’s offering us the opportunity to trust Him. When we do, we will experience the blessings of peace and fruitfulness.

Jeremiah tells us that those who trust the Lord are like a tree planted by a year-round stream. They need not fear heat or drought. Their leaves are always green, and they never fail to bear fruit (Jeremiah 17:7–8). If you’re facing something that scares you, do as Esther did: seek the Lord for His guidance and place your trust in Him. Let Him show you the way and His trustworthiness. 

And, who knows what He will do in the situation and in your heart?

“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)

Esther and Mordecai confronted the literal Haman, and today, “Haman” comes in many forms, from anti-Semitism to the spirit of unbelief that deters Jewish people from accepting Jesus as the Messiah. You can play a vital role in opening Jewish hearts to the Gospel. When you give to Jewish Voice, you “confront Haman” and become a faithful hero by revealing Jesus’ love, meeting practical needs, and sharing the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus).


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