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“Blessings! Blessings to all of you!”

October 26, 2016

 It was the fifth day of our medical clinic outreach in Gondar, Ethiopia, and a man named Yalew was expressing his gratitude with great enthusiasm!

For 20 years Yalew had been unable to see from one eye, and after someone told him about our Jewish Voice medical clinic, he walked three hours seeking our help.

After cataract surgery, the bandages were removed and Yalew could see! His response was pure joy and gratitude for the gift of healing.

As our team members witnessed Yalew’s joy, it was a reminder of other healings, many centuries ago . . .


  • On a mountainside in Galilee, Yeshua (Jesus) healed all who were brought to Him, and we’re told, “So the crowd marveled when they saw the mute speaking, the disabled made whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel (Matthew 15:31).
  • Two blind men outside Jericho called out to Yeshua for mercy. Scripture says, “Moved with compassion, Yeshua touched their eyes. Instantly they regained their sight and followed Him (Matthew 20:34).
  • A blind man named Bartimaeus asked Yeshua to heal his sight. His request was granted and, Instantly he regained his sight and began following Yeshua down the road” (Mark 10:52).

Over and over again, we read of Yeshua healing those with physical needs, and that those who were healed immediately praised God and followed Him as their Messiah.

From the many accounts, it’s clear that Yeshua healed people for two reasons. First, He felt compassion for their physical suffering and wanted to help them.

But even more important, Yeshua miraculously healed so people would know He was far more than just a Jewish teacher. By experiencing His miracles, people believed He was indeed the Messiah and they followed Him, gaining eternal reward.

This is what the ministry of Jewish Voice is about.

We bring healing through our international medical clinics and intercessory prayer -- both because we feel compassion for physical suffering, and because it causes people to be open to the Good News of Yeshua, the eternal Saviour of all who believe and follow Him.

And while we care for everyone who comes to us, Jewish Voice is especially called to minister to Jewish people in remote parts of the world who claim to descend from the Israelites taken into exile more than 2,700 years ago.

Today there is compelling evidence that these Jewish descendants live in Ethiopia, India, Myanmar, Zimbabwe and other remote places around the globe. In some cases, their claims of Jewish ancestry have been confirmed by modern genetic testing. In others, the verification process is still under way.

And in every case we’ve found so far, these communities of Jewish people live in relative isolation from their surrounding cultures.

Seen as different, they’re persecuted by others. And almost always they are oppressed by extreme poverty and lack of access to basic services like medical care.

And so the need is great.

Among the Jewish people of Ethiopia, we care for a variety of medical and dental needs, but one of the greatest needs is to help people with vision problems.

Issues of blindness and limited sight have been a significant and consistent reality for years among the patients coming to our medical outreaches. But fortunately, virtually all causes of blindness and vision problems -- cataracts, trachoma, vitamin A deficiency -- are treatable and even curable if detected early.

The average cost of eye care or other medical or dental services through our Jewish Voice clinics is only $30 per person.

But right now, and for a limited time, your gift will do much more to help the Jewish people of Ethiopia.

Because of a $350,000 Matching Grant provided by other Jewish Voice supporters, your gift will now be DOUBLED.

That means your gift of $30 will now go TWICE as far, providing care for 2 PEOPLE. $60 will care for 4 PEOPLE. And $120 will care for 8 PEOPLE, and so on.

And when you give, you will not only bring physical healing to the Jewish people of Ethiopia. You’ll also provide the Good News of Yeshua as our Messiah and Redeemer who wants to save all who will turn to Him.

In our last medical clinic outreach in Gondar, Ethiopia — just a few months ago — we were able to treat 13,950 patients, with 2,788 of those patients telling us they received Yeshua as Messiah for the first time!

But those miraculous results were possible only because of the generous support of partners like you.

We’re already planning our next outreach to Ethiopia, as well as clinics in other places, so we need your help.

Could you please send your most generous gift possible right now, to provide both physical and spiritual care to the Jewish people of Ethiopia?

As my way of saying “thank you” for any support you can provide, I’d like to send you a special gift in appreciation for your partnership in this ministry.

For a gift of any amount, I’m happy to send you A Rabbi Looks at the Supernatural: A Revealing Look at Angels, Demons, Miracles, Heaven and Hell. Released just this month, my book will help you understand that the spiritual world is just as real as the physical one.

If you are able to send a gift of at least $65, I want to send you The Promise Box along with my book. Designed to resemble a Bible, and with a lovely depiction of the Golden Gates of the Old City of Jerusalem, the painted canvas Promise Box contains 120 Bible verse cards to remind you of God’s promises to you.

And if you’re able to give at least $365 now, I’ll send you — along with the other gifts — two beautiful reproduction Megillat scrolls, featuring the books of Esther and Ruth.

But as you give generously, please know that you’ll both meet the medical needs of the Jewish people of Ethiopia and introduce them to Yeshua — the Messiah who loves them and wants them to be with Him forever.

And remember, our 2X match means your gift now will be doubled — to help twice as many people. Just click the "Donate Now" button below to share your gift.

Thank you for your partnership. May God richly bless you!


To the Jew first and also to the Nations,






Jonathan Bernis Jewish Voice Ministries International  





P.S. The Jewish people of Gondar, Ethiopia, have suffered so much. But your support will bring sight to the blind, healing to the broken, and most importantly, the Good News to those who haven’t heard it. So please give now. Your gift will be doubled to share healing and the grace of Yeshua with twice as many people!


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