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A Burden for Further Prayer

June 23, 2016

LAST MINUTE NEWS: Next week our Jewish Voice Ministries Team will be in a week of prayer and fasting together. Please pray along with us as we prepare the way through prayer for all the Lord desires to do this fall and into 2017!

Please be praying for our Congregation and Leadership Development Department here at Jewish Voice as it seeks to plant indigenous congregations and develop leaders around the world as the Lord directs. Note the wordindigenous, which is key to our vision. We bring the Good News of Yeshua, meet practical needs, train and equip leaders, and support congregational initiatives. But our ultimate goal is to see these bodies of Believers function in health and strength under godly, home-grown leadership.

Last month, the head of our Congregation and Leadership Development Department was in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe meeting with leaders and congregations. He came back with a real sense of gratitude, and even surprise, at some of the many wonderful things the Lord is doing through local leaders. He also brought back a burden and further prayer requests to see the kingdom come in these different congregations and regions.


Thank you for praying along with us! Please pray for:

  • The Believers to experience growth in understanding their new identities as Jewish Believers in the Messiah, Yeshua
    • Awareness of how to apply those truths practically in both personal and congregational life
    • Resolution of the tension between Jewish vs. Christian identity in spreading the Gospel
  • Leaders who are already in place and also for developing leaders to grow in character as well as spiritual fruit and gifting
  • Community development that promotes the spread of the Gospel, such as micro-economic projects which help supply water, form craft guilds, and establish preschools
  • The Lord’s help in finding locations and facilities for congregational meetings and activities, especially in Gondar, Ethiopia

As you can see, what transpires in the prayer rooms of our outreaches is only the beginning of life-long growth in Messiah for these individuals as the fruit of the prayer rooms is blossoming into full-grown congregations which are impacting regions and reproducing.

LORD, we celebrate and praise You for all You are doing! Please under-gird the leadership in all the congregations that are springing up. Help them identify new leaders to pour themselves into, and lead them to meeting places that will become community hubs of fellowship and the spread of the Gospel. This is Your work and Your kingdom, and we give all glory and honor to You! In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

Have you signed up for your prayer slot for our Gutu Outreach? Help cover every aspect in 24-7 prayer by taking a time slot to pray from home! Sign up now!

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