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Chanukah is About Light Overcoming Darkness

December 01, 2015



In just a short time from now, observant Jews all over the world will begin to observe Chanukah (or Hanukkah), marked by the progressive lighting of the special “Chanukiah,” the nine-branched menorah.

At its heart, Chanukah is about one thing: light overcoming darkness.

It commemorates an event in Israel’s history where — just as everything seemed hopelessly dark — God miraculously delivered and restored His people, and a miracle of light crowned that deliverance.

In this season, darkness appears to be spreading across the world. But that just means it’s our time to shine! As you’ve heard us say before, during times of darkness we shine brighter and more powerfully together.

In fact, these are very exciting times because the “Miracle of light,” Yeshua, is shining brightly to overcome darkness. You can be a part of it.

With your help right now, Jewish Voice is overcoming challenges and pushing back against the gathering darkness in stronger ways than at any time in our history.

Your support has never been more needed or had greater impact!

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