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[Daily Show Airings] November's Line-up is Packed and Powerful!

October 26, 2015

494648701Daily-Show-Banner-Oct2015(5) November's Lineup - Packed and Powerful!  

The past, present, and future converge next month to inform and encourage you. Our guests include a Hebrew language expert, a gutsy journalist, a CEO and television host, and our own Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis. We’ll take a look at God’s Word – written so long ago yet living and active in our lives today – and how you can glean more of God’s intended meaning from it. We’ll discuss hard-hitting news regarding the Middle East conflict and how it affects you today. We’ll also reveal new insights into the fascinating story of Israel’s miraculous statehood in 1948 and its prophetic impact on the future. Finally, you’ll be encouraged and strengthened as Jonathan Bernis reveals how thankfulness in all things will transform your life!

We’ll discuss hard-hitting news regarding the Middle East conflict and how it affects you today.


Show-_4---Joseph-Farah2Joseph Farah - November 2 -6 2015 - It takes courage, guts, and a whole lot of faith to tackle the topics that Joseph Farah reports. His views have been called “controversial” and his opinions are often unpopular. Yet, as a veteran reporter and Editor and CEO of World Net Daily, Joseph Farah remains one of the most influential journalists in both the secular and Christian worlds. Joseph sits down with Jonathan Bernis and sheds light on issues hitting us hard, both in the Middle East AND in the United States.



Show-_2---Danny-Ben-GigiDr. Danny Ben Gigi- November 9, 2015 - Are you getting the full picture of the Bible though the English language? Dr. Danny Ben-Gigi, former Director of Hebrew Programs at Arizona State University, believes that English only scratches the surface of what God intended us to know from Scripture. This week, Dr. Ben-Gigi joins Jonathan Bernis to discuss miracles and mysteries of Scripture that only the Hebrew language reveals and how you can easily discover them. 



Show-_3---Gordon-RobertsonGordon Robertson - November 16-20 - Gordon Robertson, CEO of Christian Broadcasting Network and the host of “The 700 Club” television show, looks back with Jonathan Bernis to the miraculous establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Gordon’s new DVD project reveals history through the eyes of the visionaries and founders who dedicated themselves to seeing this pivotal event come to pass. Join Gordon and Jonathan as they discuss how the restoration of Israel prophetically plays into what’s ahead for Israel and the Jewish People! 


Jonathan Bernis - November 23-27 - It’s easy to give thanks when everything is going our way. But what about when it isn’t? What about when life is hard, when disappointments run high, and pain is all too real? Discover how you can live out God’s directive to give thanks in all circumstances as Jonathan Bernis shares practical tools for cultivating thankfulness in your life. Find out how giving thanks in every situation can transform your life!


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