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Don't miss the chance to double your gift through our Matching Grant!

June 14, 2019

Vasyl could only watch . . .

Staring at the black and white photos flashing across the giant screen on the Festival stage in Ukraine, he was suddenly transported back to the hatred and the fear of Nazis who seemed to be taking over the entire world.

And when he saw a photo on the screen of himself as a young boy, he felt the fear all over again.
Vasyl had spent a lifetime trying to forget the horrors of the Holocaust.

But no amount of time would ever be enough to erase the images that had been branded into his mind . . .

A dancer in a striped costume bearing a yellow star glided across the stage. The movement brought Vasyl back to reality. The pain he felt, even after all these years, shocked him. And Vasyl couldn’t stop the hot tears streaming down his face.

Vasyl must have wondered:

Is there any hope? Is healing from the violence, torture and hatred even possible?

I’m writing to you now with an unprecedented opportunity to reach Jewish people, like Vasyl, in the most extraordinary way.

As I write, God has miraculously opened the doors for Jewish Voice to host our eternity-changing Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance in the heart of Poland.

Get the Messianic Jewish Family Bible

The Messianic Jewish Family Bible is the first and only of its kind. This exciting new Bible translation unites Old and New Covenant with a consistent Hebraic perspective. 

This endeavor is the first ever of its kind for Jewish Voice in Poland.

And it couldn’t have come at a more opportune time . . .

This year marks 80 years since Nazi forces invaded Poland, that resulted in torture, death and many more gruesome actions against the Jewish people in Poland that common decency prevents me from even describing in writing.

We must seize this precious moment in history!

Poland has such a rich and vibrant Jewish history. And it was nearly erased by Hitler and his evil regime. Today, a Jewish heritage still remains.

This Festival brings more opportunity to celebrate the miracle of God’s work among His people. And it also shares the life-transforming message of Jesus, and the truth of His Messiahship!

Through dance and song, the Gospel will be demonstrated in word and power.

Thousands of Jewish people will experience what the Scriptures describe: “the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16 NIV)

We must do everything we can to ensure as many Jewish people as possible in Poland encounter Jesus the Messiah.

And there’s no better time. Our Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance is scheduled for December 13-23, 2019, during the season of Chanukah – a season of God’s presence and miracles.

That’s why I’m writing to you now to ask for your help in making a difference in eternity in such a practical and special way. I’m praying you’ll give quickly and generously.

For just $40, you can give one Jewish person the once-in-a-lifetime, eternity-changing opportunity to experience and encounter Jesus.

A group of Jewish Voice partners has put together a $100,000 Matching Grant to DOUBLE every dollar you give between now and July 31. That means, every $40 you give will give two Jewish people this incredible experience.

Whatever you can give by July 31 will DOUBLE through the $100,000 Matching Grant.

When you send a gift of any amount today, we’ll send you a special Hear O’ Israel bookmark, that includes the words of Deuteronomy 6:4 in gold foil on the front, as a thank you for your support.

If you can send a gift of $100, we’d like to bless you with the bookmark, our Hear O’ Israel journal and our Hear O’ Israel plaque. The journal will be especially meaningful with 400 pages where you can record your personal thoughts, Bible study notes or prayer requests.

The Hear O’ Israel plaque would make an inspiring addition to your house decor, sharing the words of Deuteronomy 6.

These are small tokens of our appreciation for you and your generosity to help more Jewish people experience and encounter Jesus, the Messiah, through our Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance in Poland. 

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