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Draw Near to God in This Season | Day 2

April 21, 2020

Draw Near to God in This Season | Day 2

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. —James 4:8

This season that we find ourselves in is very hard to comprehend. It doesn’t make sense; we don’t understand it and we didn’t expect it. Luckily for us, it’s not a surprise to the Lord and we can take confidence in the fact that despite our circumstances, He doesn’t change, and His promises are still true. Hold to that thought when you feel discouraged!

One of those promises is in James 4:8. As we draw near to the Lord, He draws near to us. This is so comforting. God is not hidden from us during this time. In fact, He is near to us. He is our comforter and He will never leave us. Although you may feel alone, take heart that the Lord is near. Use this time to draw near to Him in ways you never have before and I pray you experience His presence as a result.

Like many of you, I find myself having a lot of time on my hands. Now that we are in quarantine, there are not as many activities to fill our time. There is more isolation, more silence, and more time for reflection. Use this opportunity to draw near to the Lord. Think about some of the ways you used to spend your time and if it was fruitful. Instead, are there practices you can put in place that allow you to draw near to the Lord?

Perhaps you can re-energize your quiet time, reading your Bible or journaling. Listen to an encouraging podcast or sermon. Play worship music and fix your thoughts on Him. Pray for your family, friends and neighbors. Sit quietly and listen for the Lord to speak to you. Take a walk and look for the Lord’s presence in nature. Praise Him and thank Him for all of the blessings you have.

Spiritual disciplines are an important part of our walk with the Lord and they allow us to draw near to Him. You may have great spiritual rhythms already or you may feel like you are lacking in this area. Take some time to look at your daily, weekly, monthly, or even annual spiritual rhythms and determine if there is something you need to implement that will allow you to be closer to Him. Try something new in this season! May the Lord surprise You as He draws near to you.

Practical Takeaway: Conduct an inventory of your spiritual disciplines and draw near to the Lord in new ways.

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