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Field Update - November 2021, Garamwera, Zimbabwe

January 10, 2022


Buried paperwork, delayed permits and COVID regulations threatened this Medical Outreach to Garamwera, Zimbabwe. But when the Lord opens a door, who can shut it? God paved the way, and because of your gifts to Jewish Voice, we were ready to respond quickly when everything came together at the last minute for this final Outreach of this year.

It was our first full-scale Medical Outreach in Zimbabwe since before the pandemic, and it was also an important follow-up to our food distribution visit earlier this year. Families were desperate then, and during this Medical Outreach, many thanked us, saying, “You brought us food just in time!” Your gifts further blessed many of these families as we hired them to fill translator and other roles during the Clinic week.

Due to COVID restrictions, we were prepared to help around 2,000 people in the four-day Medical Clinic. But, the Lord had bigger plans for the Lemba of Garamwera. We received permission to welcome as many patients as we could, and you helped us do more than we ever hoped possible for them. We even had to order more supplies mid-week, and God moved vendors to show us remarkable favor in getting us everything we needed to care for the more than 7,000 people who arrived throughout the few days we were there.

The Garamwera Medical Outreach was also the first time in Zimbabwe where the Spiritual Care Ministry was conducted entirely by local ministers. Messianic Jewish congregations you help support manned the prayer area and shared the Gospel with over 2,000 people, resulting in 76 of them professing their faith in Jesus as their Messiah!

The local Messianic Jewish congregations are now making follow up visits to families who received water filters and those who wanted to learn more about Jesus. Please pray for these follow up visits, that the Gospel will continue to be spread and that even more lives will be changed through learning about their Messiah.

Look at what you made possible in Garamwera!

Garamwera, Zimbabwe Medical Outreach

  • 7,163 Patients Seen
  • 204 Family LifeStraw Water Filters Given
  • 666 People Received Dental Care
  • 884 Eyeglasses Distributed
  • 17 Minor Surgeries
  • 2,332 People Heard the Gospel
  • 76 People Professed Faith in Jesus

Thank you for your generosity that enabled such life-transforming ministry to take place.

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