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The future of Israel's government remains uncertain

April 26, 2019

Benjamin Netanyahu survives tight election, but the future of Israel’s government remains uncertain.

Last week Israeli voters reelected Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister of Israel.

After an election cycle steeped in controversy and a victory of slim margins, Israel – and even the world – is watching as Prime Minister Netanyahu builds his new coalition and what that may mean for the future of Israel’s government.

Many in Israel are predicting a similar coalition as the Prime Minister’s previous one. And they have also further stated doing so could complicate Israel’s relationship with the U.S. – both politically and with Jewish communities within the U.S

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Get the Israel Prayer Guide

Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.

Such a coalition of right-wing and religious parties would ultimately push Israel further to the right. And while it would strengthen Israel’s relationship with the current administration, it would weaken bipartisan support for Israel in Washington.

With a coalition consisting of many of the ultra-Orthodox parties, it’s expected they’ll have great influence over religious policies. This will set the stage for continued tension with the non-Orthodox streams of Judaism, the Jewish state and the largest Jewish community outside of it.

The question in many minds is: What will Prime Minister Netanyahu have to promise to those he’s approaching to build Israel’s new government?

In his acceptance speech after learning of his reelection, Netanyahu declared, "I want all parts of Israeli society, Jews and non-Jews, to be part of the great success story called Israel. I believe there is a great opening for the future here, a great opening for hope.”

While the future isn’t clear, we know that God is always in control.We believe all things work together according to His purpose and in His time.

But what should be clear is for all of us to pray:

  1. For God to give strength, courage and guidance to Prime Minister Netanyahu as he picks the coalition for the new government in Israel.
  2. For God to move in the hearts of any who would oppose His will in and around Israel – and the entire world. To change hearts. To open eyes.
  3. For God to bring an everlasting peace to Israel.

But in addition to your prayers, I’d also like to invite you to give. Even as I write, our ministries on the ground in Israel are actively working towards peace.

Whether it’s through providing survival resources to the “least of these,” supporting Holocaust victims or partnering with Messianic congregations – all our efforts are done in the name and through the power of Yeshua (Jesus).

And more than just providing immediate help, these outreaches and ministries are the greatest means we have to build relationships with the Jewish people that give us the opportunity to share the Good News. So if you feel led, please give your most generous gift now.

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