“…so you may know that I am Adonai” (Exodus 10:2).
Living in this physical world as we do, sometimes we need reminders of just who our invisible, spiritual God is.
Exodus chapter 10 tells us that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart so that He could perform more signs before him and his officials – so that Israel would know their God. He told Moses that it was also to enable the Jewish people to share with their children and grandchildren the mighty things God did in the process of rescuing them from centuries of bondage.
When God brings us out of or through various trials in our lives, we have the opportunity to see with fresh eyes who He is. His care and attention to what concerns us are testimonies of His grace and love toward us. When He provides, He reminds us that nothing in our lives is too big for Him to handle.
As He shows us more of who He is – or reminds us of what we have forgotten about Him – through our present-day trials, our faith in Him grows. We learn more deeply that we can fully trust Him to take care of our needs and meet us in our sorrows.
God brings us out and through to show us who He is, creating faith-landmarks for us to remember in the future and encouragement to pass on to others.
“Come and listen, all you who fear God. I will tell you what He has done for my soul” (Psalm 66:16).