Tuesday, July 18, 2017
God is doing amazing things in Mudanda, Zimbabwe!
Outreach Partners in the Prayer Tent saw God reveal His power and compassion as He worked wonders in several lives who could not be helped medically. We heard from our team photographer who said, “As I left one person, another was giving praise to Yeshua for what He was working in them.”
This is Greatful, who is now grateful as well! She had been unable to walk for the last seven days. She came to the clinic in a wheelbarrow pushed by a family member or friend. When she left the Prayer Tent, she walked out on her own and walked right over to the immersion station to testify her faith in Yeshua by being immersed.

Outreach Partner Eunice prayed for a person named Daina whose hand was healed. The next person in line for prayer was a young lady in a wheelchair. At Eunice’s station (a little cluster of chairs among several others in the Prayer Tent), the young woman explained that she was paralyzed on the right side of her body. Eunice prayed for her, and “after prayer,” our correspondent said, “the Lord gave her use of her right arm!” Eunice continued to pray, and the more she did, the better the woman felt.

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Such exciting things are happening in Mudanda this week!
Internet connections are spotty, but we hope to get more updates each day to pass along to you.
Thank you so much for your prayers! Our staff and Outreach Partners are strengthened by the Lord through them. Please continue to lift them up as well as the thousands of people seeking medical and spiritual help.
Pray for the people of Mudanda – for them to come to faith in Yeshua, for God to continue showing Himself mighty and compassionate through the medical treatments and healing miracles, and for all the new Believers to grow strong in the Lord and rooted in His Word.
For day-by-day prayer points, click here.