The Bible tells us that, throughout history, the Jewish people have been repeatedly driven out of Israel and scattered to the nations of the world.
Many migrated to the land known today as Ethiopia.
Called the Beta Israel, this “Lost Tribe of Israel” is believed by many to trace its lineage as far back as the time of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
This community of Jewish people still lives in Ethiopia, enduring unimaginable suffering, including isolation, persecution and poverty. Conditioned to our Western comfort, many of us probably can’t even comprehend their living conditions.
Many in the Beta Israel community have been abandoned because they’re identified as Falash Mura – Jewish outcasts who have adopted orthodox Christian practices. Today they’re rejected by both Israel and their Ethiopian neighbors.
But God hasn’t forgotten them. And neither should we.
That’s why I hope you’ll stand with Jewish Voice and give now to help bring a large-scale Medical Outreach to help them and show them the love of Yeshua (Jesus), their Messiah.
You see, many in their community have never even seen a doctor or a dentist. Disease runs rampant. And pain is a way of life. Because they have so little access to medical care, common ailments that would be easily dealt with almost anywhere else go untreated and often lead to death.
You would never want anyone you know to endure these conditions. Certainly not your family. These Jewish people struggle just to survive. And, sadly, many don’t.
Relief, hope and the miracle of healing
So imagine the relief and hope they’ll feel when a huge Medical Clinic arrives in their community to serve them. It’s a real-life miracle. They line up by the thousands, their broken hearts filled with expectation. Maybe now – finally – they’ll meet someone who cares and wants to make their lives better.
Through the generous commitment of our partners, thousands have been helped already. But so many more need us. They’re suffering and dying every day.
They have almost no one to help them but you and me. After all they’ve been through, we must stand together and bring the help they need.
The Beta Israel people have suffered terribly. But we can still make a difference. Just imagine …
- After a lifetime of blurry vision, or even complete blindness – you could see again.
- After believing you’ll never get over the chronic illness that has robbed you of your life – finally experiencing healing and a tiny glimmer of hope that the future will be better.
- After weeks of excruciating pain – having your abscessed tooth repaired by a competent dental surgeon so that you can talk, eat and drink without agony.
You can help heal their bodies, lift their burdens and bring a sense of genuine peace to their weary souls. For many, this will be the first time in their lives someone outside their community actually cared.
Share what they need most: the love of Jesus
I believe that right now, deep in your heart, you agree with me. These impoverished Jewish people have been through unthinkable anguish: persecution, sickness and years of desperate struggle. They need to know someone cares.
But most of all, they need to meet their Messiah – to finally have someone explain in a way they can understand that Jesus cares, that He can bring them peace and – most important – that He can bring them eternal salvation.
Now – in the midst of their terrible suffering – it’s time for us to do our duty and bring God’s love to them. Together, we can provide life-transforming help and hope to these people.
Today, every $30 you give – not TO, but THROUGH Jewish Voice – will reach one Jewish person or their neighbor with medical, dental or vision care, as well as an opportunity to be surrounded by prayer and to hear the Good News of Jesus.
So please do your part to help the Beta Israel of Ethiopia – and Jewish people the world over – experience new health and new life.
A blessing from God … and a thank you from Jewish Voice
As you give today, you’ll share God’s love with the Jewish people. And I truly believe He will bless YOU by pouring joy into your life, just as you have poured life into His chosen people (Genesis 12:3).