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Gondar Mid-Week Report

October 15, 2015

Shalom from Gondar, Ethiopia!


We are having a great week here in Northern Ethiopia! We are experiencing tremendous shalom and unity among our staff, Outreach Partners, and local workers. We are also seeing unprecedented results in both the numbers of patients treated and the prayer room’s effectiveness in seeing spiritual fruit. Keep up the prayers – that we would finish even stronger, healthier, more energized, and more effectively than we began.

untitled-4 (1)Wednesday we saw the most patients we have ever seen in a JVMI clinic in a single day—EVER! We treated 2,975 patients in a single day! Our entirely Ethiopian team of Christian Optometrists and Ophthalmologists alone saw over 700 patients in 9 hours yesterday!

This brings our three-and-a-half day patient total to 8,134, with one-and-a-half days of clinic left to go. If the trend continues, this Gondar outreach will become the JVMI record for the most patients treated in a single week at any JVMI clinic since we began ministering in this way in 1999. Please rejoice with us as we anticipate the final results.

Spiritually, our expanded prayer team of local and international volunteers have seen thousands in the prayer room. Over 1,000 have prayed to receive Yeshua as their Messiah. Hundreds have experienced healing. Deaf ears have opened, mute have spoken, blind have seen for the FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES! Many of these dear people have experienced deliverance from strongholds and oppression in their lives which were burdensome to themselves, their families, and their communities. Hallelujah for this tremendous breakthrough in Gondar!

Finally, the Evangelical Union of Gondar came and presented a certificate of appreciation for our partnership with them in expanding the Kingdom of God in Gondar. They publically repented for not acknowledging our Messianic ministry as a partner in the Gospel during our previous 11 Gondar clinics. This was a tremendous breakthrough toward unity among churches and the Messianic congregation here in Gondar. We believe that this newfound unity will bring new anointing for new levels of ministry power and effectiveness in Gondar and beyond!

Again, we value your prayers so much. Please pray health for our team as several have fallen ill from food-related illness and other maladies. Pray for strength and energy along with a restful and  uneventful return home. Thank you!


Overflowing with joy in the Lord from Gondar,

JVMI Global Outreach Team



Check out our 2016 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. These life-giving clinics are not possible without people like you, praying, donating, and volunteering. Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? We need non-medical volunteers, too. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our Jewish Voice Ministries medical missions!

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