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Good News - Quarter 4, 2021

October 15, 2021

From drugs and violence to hope for a better future

You helped a young family make it through the pandemic

Kalia has three young children and is doing her best to raise them all by herself in a country that is not familiar to her.

When Kalia and her husband moved from Ukraine to Israel, they just had one child, Daniel. Her husband was in recovery for his drug addiction.

Subsequently, the couple had another child, Vivian. She is severely disabled because of her father’s drug abuse. It was a constant struggle to make ends meet and provide for their kids.

Kalia’s husband entered multiple drug rehab programs. He would get better for a little while, but ultimately end up taking drugs again.

He was violent at times and even though Kalia fought for her marriage, she ended up feeling hopeless and alone. For years, Kalia was responsible for providing for her family. With two young children, she could only work while they were in school. She didn’t make much and because she wasn’t a full citizen of Israel yet, Kalia didn’t receive any social benefits.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the kids were at home so Kalia wasn’t able to work at all.

"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
Romans 1:16 (NIV)

Your support helped put food on their table

Thankfully, one of Jewish Voice’s partner ministries stepped in to help this young family. Your support means Kalia and her kids received groceries and other needed supplies.

Kalia and her husband reconciled briefly, and she got pregnant. But after the birth of another child and then a painful separation with her husband, Kalia and her children need help more than ever.

A volunteer from our partner ministry does the grocery shopping for Kalia and her kids and even helps cook meals for them.

In addition, a ministry staff member regularly visits the family and takes Daniel for play dates with other kids since Kalia needs to be home with Vivian and the baby.

Bringing hope to a whole family

Kalia takes part in regular prayer counseling and a peer support group for single moms. The ministry is also able to serve as a liaison between Kalia and the government agencies she is working with to get benefit assistance for her family.

Daniel enjoys being involved in the ministry’s children’s programs. Kalia and her kids have hope for a brighter future today – thanks to your support of Jewish Voice and our partner ministries in Israel.

You are blessing single moms, widows and orphans, recent immigrants, Holocaust survivors and other Jewish people in need in Israel.

Together we are changing lives in the name of Jesus the Messiah!

Thank you!

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