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Handing out LifeStraw® in Tach Gayint

June 16, 2016

In high mountains of Northern Ethiopia lives a persecuted community of Jewish people – the Bete Israel of Tach Gayint.

 They’d heard that Jewish Voice was coming with a medical clinic, but many of them weren’t able to travel there due to the harsh terrain and distance. We visited this remote village and brought LifeStraw® water filtration devices to them. Many of their health issues are caused by having to drink dirty water. With the LifeStraw® filters, they will have clean, safe drinking water.

 When we arrived at the village, the people of the Beta Israel tribe welcomed us with open arms. They received us like brothers, and it deeply touched the Jewish Voice partners who felt so privileged to make the journey to these precious people —all in the Name of Yeshua! 

 We wanted to share with them not just clean water, but the Living Water – Yeshua (Jesus). They were so hungry to receive!

 We told them that as they take each cup of clean water from the LifeStraw®, we pray that they would remember the Lord’s love for them, the love of the Lord’s people for them, and that we continually pray for them.

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