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Have You Made Summer Plans Yet?

March 09, 2016


Have You Made Your Summer Plans Yet?

Do Something BIG...

  This summer, Jewish Voice Ministries is conducting medical outreaches to bring life changing medical care to thousands of people in Gondar, Ethiopia, and Gutu, Zimbabwe. These impoverished Jewish people and their neighbors need medical care they cannot afford or is simply not available to them. Often, the care we provide can mean the difference between life and death for these people.   Bringing physical healing is vital, and even more important is the eternal, spiritual need within every heart. That’s why we invite every patient and those who come with them into our prayer room where outreach partners share the Gospel and compassionate prayer for these hurting people.   19380We Have an Urgent Need for Medical Professionals!   You will make a big difference in the lives of the people you meet – and they will have a big impact on your life as well! Going on a Jewish Voice medical outreach is an opportunity for one of the most rewarding things there is in life: making a profound difference for good in the lives of people who need to know they matter. Do you know a medical professional who might be interested?  

Please pass along this exciting opportunity to make a powerful difference in some very needy lives.


IMG_9811Non-medical outreach partners are needed too!  


In Gondar, Ethiopia, we’ll take both physical and spiritual aid to members of the Bete Israel Jewish community and their neighbors. In Gutu, Zimbabwe,we’ll minister to the Lemba, a people with a fascinating history who descended from the Levites of ancient days. The Lemba have preserved the practice of their Jewish heritage for centuries, and there is an exciting thing happening among them. They have waited as a people for their Messiah for all these generations, and through Jewish Voice outreaches, they are coming to faith in Yeshua in amazing numbers.

When you join us this summer in Gondar or Gutu, you will be part of life-changing compassion and care for people who desperately need it. The care we bring opens doors to sharing with them the eternal life-saving message of Yeshua (Jesus). We don’t want you to miss out on that! Check out our outreach destinations


  We have a full-schedule of outreaches. Click here to learn more about our 2016 outreach locations, dates.



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Even if you can’t come with us, you can still have a major impact in the lives of needy people by sharing this information with your doctors, friends, and church.

We know that not everyone can answer the call to go on an outreach. But there’s also a call to share about these life-changing adventures so that others can go! Without enough medical professionals, we can’t bring healing to these dear people. Without our clinics, we’re also missing the vital opportunity to share the eternal life-saving hope of Yeshua.

Will you answer the call to help us spread the word?


Click here for a short video and sharing tools.

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There’s a third way you can impact lives in the areas where we serve. Aside from the individual costs covered by each outreach partner for their own participation, these medical outreaches are an enormous expense. Your contributions help send vital medication, medical supplies, and equipment into the field so that we can provide the physical and spiritual care these desperate people need. Answer the call to send! Click here to contribute.

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