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Help unleash the greatest revival in human history

September 27, 2019

As I write, I sense a stirring in my spirit … an anticipation of things to come if only we’ll continue to move forward in faith.

Even now, prophetically significant events continue to unfold before our eyes.

While I’ll never argue that we can ever know the exact day of Jesus’ return, prophecies are like signposts — indicating the direction God is leading His people.

And I believe with every passing day, these signposts will only accelerate until the final moment when Yeshua comes riding on the clouds to claim His prize — His bride, His people!

We must be ready! That’s why I’m writing to you today.

Would you join us? Will you grab this moment in time and demonstrate your faith in Yeshua and your compassion and support for the Jewish people?

While radical Islam continues to wreak havoc throughout the Middle East, Israel is growing more and more isolated — surrounded by enemies on every side:

  • Iran: The primary backer of terror organizations and Islamic extremists who wants nothing more than to see Israel and her people destroyed
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad: A group of radicalized Palestinians who refuses to even discuss terms of peace and ceasing of hostilities unless Israel agrees to let go of the land God has given to His people
  • Worldwide Hatred: We’ve seen an explosion of anti-Semitism erupting around the world — even in the United States — from shootings and bombings to hateful propaganda and rhetoric

And we know, these will only increase as we continue to catapult toward the final days of Yeshua’s return …

It’ll be a glorious day. When peace finally comes upon the nations, and Yeshua takes hold of His inheritance that He purchased through His death and resurrection.

But I’m also moved by God’s Spirit to be a part of His end-time plans around the world — to play a role in the next stage of His Kingdom coming to earth.

Get the Israel Prayer Guide

Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.

That’s why we’re passionate to make the most of every remaining day to have the greatest impact for God and reach as many people as possible.

And I’m praying you’ll join with me, and all of us at Jewish Voice, by making your own decision to do everything you can to:

  • Deliver the Gospel of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) to as many hungry Jewish hearts as possible
  • Rally support for Israel and skillfully use media to combat the lies in today’s current propaganda
  • Expose the demonic disease of anti-Semitism

This is not a season for shrinking back.

In fact, I believe so much in this work God has given to us, we’ve taken a significant step of faith:

We set a goal to provide $1 million to Israel by December 31.

I know that’s a huge commitment. But this isn’t a time for us to be silent.

And we’ll do everything we can to compel the lost sheep of the House of Israel to come to the wedding feast before it’s too late!

That’s why I’m counting on your participation more now than ever. The simple fact is: We can’t do it without you.

This is a tangible, practical way to truly bless the Jewish people. It isn’t about dollars and cents. It’s about introducing them to their Messiah,


It’s the greatest blessing you could give to anyone! As I write this to you, I know I’m asking a lot of you.

But the potential for God’s blessing … the opportunity to be a part of His Kingdom work … I believe it’s worth every sacrifice.

I can’t help but recall the prophecy in Acts 3:19 — and the salvation of the Jewish people that will release the power of God to ignite a global revival the world has never seen.

It’s the revival Peter expects in his powerful message to the Jewish leaders:

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that He may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you — even Jesus. Heaven must receive Him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as He promised long ago through His holy Prophets.
—Acts 3:19-21

When the Jewish people return to God, and turn to Yeshua (Jesus) their Messiah, He will unleash an outpouring of faith in Jesus around the world. Hearts will be turned to God. The Kingdom will come upon the earth and God’s people will experience a restoration.

But not only that, Yeshua will return for His second and final time …

This is what you’ll be a part of when you join with us and support Israel and her people with your gift today.

Please don’t wait. We set a goal to provide $1 million to Israel. And we must follow through. So much is riding on this …

And I believe God is already moving in hearts now, urging them to reply.
Will it be you? Will you say “yes”? Your gift will be put to work immediately through our partnerships in Israel to provide:

  • Humanitarian relief essentials like food, medical support and dental care
  • Ministry to women, orphans and widows — including those who face homelessness, addiction and abuse
  • Training to Messianic congregations to raise up the next generation of Messianic leaders
  • Media materials and resources for training and evangelism
  • Immigration services that include legal support and raising awareness about anti-Semitism and human rights

And when you give today, I’d like to thank you by sending you our Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Journal.

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