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Help us welcome the King of Kings into Enfranz, Ethiopia

May 10, 2018
Prayer points

In the Gondar region of Ethiopia lie the ruins of castles from centuries ago. The rulers and their kingdoms are largely forgotten, but the remains of their majestic palaces have earned the district the nickname of “the Camelot of Ethiopia.”

Just about an hour from Gondar is Enfranz, site of Jewish Voice Ministries’ next Medical Clinic. It’s our first clinic in this location, and we pray that a different kingdom will be manifested here, the kingdom of the Son of David and Son of God, Yeshua. May His kingdom come to Enfranz and create a spiritual habitation in and through the people of God that impacts generations for eternity!

Would you please help us welcome the King of Kings into Enfranz by praying through these daily prayer points for this first-time Medical Clinic? We also urge you to sign up on our Outreach Prayer Calendar to pray for a half hour, hour, or more from your home so we can cover the Enfranz, Ethiopia, Medical Clinic in prayer from beginning to end.

Please pray for:

Wednesday, May 16 – Wednesday, May 23 | Proverbs 24:27

  • Our advance team as they take care of many logistical details and preparations
  • Everything to be in place for the camping accommodations, meals and sanitation facilities for our 200 staff, volunteers and local workers
  • All equipment to arrive safely and on time, to be available and effective throughout the Outreach
  • Favor from and engagement of the local community and authorities, beginning now, even before the Outreach opens

Thursday, May 24 | Psalm 5:11, Psalm 5:12 in the TLV
For every participant throughout this Outreach:

  • Safety and health before, during and after the Clinic, as well as for their families at home
  • Spiritual protection and well-being, including a deep awareness of purpose and calling
  • Safe travels to the campground and on the trip home via every mode of transportation

Friday, May 25 | Philippians 4:11

  • Outreach Partners as they become acclimated to new surroundings and foods and overcome jetlag
  • Unity to grow immediately among staff, volunteers and local team members
  • That God will powerfully use the large group from Cyprus coming to serve with us
  • The first Shabbat meal and worship time together will draw all close to the Lord, their purpose, and each other

Saturday, May 26 | 2 Timothy 1:7

  • Order and shalom to prevail at the Outreach site, in camping areas, and during transportation between them
  • Successful orientations in each of the key areas: Camping, Medical Clinic, Water program, Zehra Kids Program, and partnerships with the local congregation
  • Anointing of the Spirit of God for each participant

Sunday, May 27 | Matthew 19:13

  • An efficient and peaceful flow through the Clinic, as medical and dental services are made available to the community for the first time this afternoon
  • Favor for every aspect of the Zehra Kids Program, during its debut in Ethiopia
  • The Zehra Kids team to serve with unity and joy, and to be energized and full of godly discernment and wisdom
  • The eyes of every child’s heart to be opened to the hope of their calling, leaving a testimony of love and care in the community

Monday, May 28 | 2 Corinthians 3:17

  • Any local authorities or visitors to be overcome and won through the goodness of the Lord
  • No opposition of any kind; and any of the Lord’s enemies to disappear like smoke without effect
  • The Spirit of the Lord to bring freedom to everyone in the area

Tuesday, May 29 | Ephesians 3:20

  • Miracles, signs and wonders to bring healing and confirm the Word of the Lord
  • The presence of the Lord to be so palpable that many are drawn to receive Yeshua
  • A lively and meaningful time of engagement with the Lord during the daily early-morning prayer times and at Wednesday evening worship
  • All that the Lord accomplishes to be captured and recorded to give great glory to Him!

Wednesday, May 30 | Ephesians 4:13-16

  • The local Messianic congregation is blessed and effective as they partner with us
  • Growth for these Believers in godly leadership, maturity and influence
  • A special anointing as they follow-up and disciple those who wish to know the Lord in a deeper way

Thursday, May 31| Lamentations 3:22-23

  • The Lord to reach out in compassion to everyone who comes for treatment on Friday and that He will minister even to those who aren’t able to be seen before the Clinic closes
  • A good night’s rest, especially for the logistics team and local workers, so they will be well-prepared to break down the campsite and Clinic safely and efficiently tomorrow

Friday, June 1 | Colossians 2:7

  • A spirit of gratitude in the Outreach team for all God has done this week
  • Each participant to personally know the Lord’s “Well done, good and faithful servant”
  • A beautiful time of Shabbat together and deep rest in the Lord after a week of energetic ministry

Saturday, June 2 | Psalm 9:1, Psalm 9:2 in the TLV

  • Rest and shalom for all participants as they enjoy a Saturday morning Shabbat service and spend time experiencing more of the culture
  • Each person to connect with the Lord and all He has done through sharing testimonies during dinner together
  • Safe travels as everyone departs for home

Sunday, June 3 | 2 Corinthians 9:10

  • Help, protection and grace for our staff members who will stay in-country a bit longer completing final Outreach details
  • The truth of the Good News of Yeshua to continue to impact the whole region, bringing people into relationship with Him and also with other Believers
  • The people in the area to praise the Lord themselves for all He has done and welcome Him in as King of Kings

We pray: LORD, come to this region with Your love and power! The people there need to know You as Savior, Messiah, Father and King.  You have pinpointed this community on the map for us so we know they are already on Your heart.  May we indeed see Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in Enfranz!

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