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Historic peace treaty between Israel and the UAE

August 20, 2020

“You keep in perfect peace one whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You”

Isaiah 26:3 TLV

It may not be perfect peace, but the deal reached late last week between Israel and the UAE (United Arab Emirates) is one of great significance.

Since Israel became a nation in 1948, there have only been two other peace deals with Arab nations. Below, we’ve put together much of the key information that has come out in the news about this historic agreement.

One interesting note is that this deal includes a suspension of the annexation of the West Bank. But annexation is not completely off the table.

Meanwhile, violence against Israel continues, from ongoing attacks along the Gaza Strip to an attempted terror attack in Jerusalem on Monday that left a Border Police officer injured.

Your continued prayers are appreciated for Israel and the Middle East.

Israel, UAE reach historic peace treaty

For only the third time ever and the first time in more than 25 years, a peace treaty has been signed between Israel and an Arab state.

Israel and the UAE agreed to full normalization of relations in a phone call last Thursday that included Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, UAE’s Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohamed bin Zayed and U.S. President Donald Trump.

Netanyahu called the deal “full, formal peace,” with “one of the strongest countries in the world,” according to The Jerusalem Post.

Trump called it “a truly historic moment” and said, “Now that the ice has been broken, I expect more Arab and Muslim countries will follow the United Arab Emirates.”

Previously Israel had no diplomatic relations with Gulf Arab countries. Shared concern over Iran have led to unofficial contacts between them, according to BBC News.

Establishing embassies, planned cooperation in multiple areas

The agreement includes establishing embassies, exchanging ambassadors, investment in the Israeli economy, trade and beginning direct flights between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi. In addition, there will be cooperation in matters of energy, water and environmental protection.

Also planned is an investment in Israeli efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine. And early this week, Israel and UAE stem cell therapy companies agreed to collaborate on COVID-19 treatments.

Palestinian leaders taken by surprise

The historic peace agreement reportedly took Palestinian leaders by surprise. A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the deal amounted to “treason” and the Palestinian ambassador to the UAE was being recalled.

Israel agrees to suspend West Bank annexation plans

Although Netanyahu agreed to suspend the planned extension of sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samarai to facilitate relations with the UAE and potentially other Muslim countries, it is not off the table.

“I will never give up on our right to our land,” said Netanyahu.

Other Gulf States to follow?

The Trump administration is in talks with other Gulf States to reach normalization agreements with Israel, according to sources in Washington D.C. and Jerusalem. Bahrain is likely to be next.

On Twitter, Netanyahu thanked the leaders of the Arab world for their support of the agreement. He wrote, “I thank Egyptian President al-Sisi, and the governments of Oman and Bahrain for their support of the historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.”

Fire started outside kindergarten one of many caused by balloon devices from Gaza in the past two weeks

Tensions are rising amid rocket and incendiary attacks from the Gaza Strip and Israel’s retaliatory airstrikes and fishing restrictions.

On Monday, one attack started a fire outside a kindergarten. Thankfully, no damage was caused to the school and there were no injuries.

This was the latest in a week of incendiary balloon attacks that ignited wildfires in Israel and led to Israeli airstrikes in response. Israel has targeted positions of Hamas, the terror group that runs that Palestinian territory.

The latest tensions meant Israel also closed its Kerem Shalom border crossing with Gaza and tightened its naval blockade of the territory. This restricts Gaza’s coastal fishing zone.

A statement from Israeli fire services said fire scene investigators had identified 149 blazes in southern Israel since August 6 caused by incendiary balloons floating across from Gaza, according to The Times of Israel.

The Israeli army said dozens of Palestinians had “instigated riots along the Gaza Strip security fence” on Sunday evening.

Let us pray together

As we thank God for the historic peace treaty between Israel and the UAE, please pray with me for:

  • The normalization agreement between Israel and the UAE to be the first of more opportunities for peace with Arab countries

  • Protection from attacks by Hamas in southern Israel and also from terrorist groups like Hezbollah and others who seek to harm Israel and the Jewish people
  • The new cooperation between Israel and the UAE in battling the coronavirus to lead to new, effective treatments, more accurate and rapid testing and a vaccine
  • The citizens of Beirut as they continue to deal with the aftermath of the massive explosion in their city that left many dead, injured and homeless
  • Jewish people to take notice of this historic peace agreement and put their trust in their Messiah Jesus

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Thank you for praying with us for Israel and the Jewish people. You can also show your support with a financial gift.

Your generous gift will meet urgent needs for the most vulnerable Jewish populations in Israel – who are suffering even more because of the pandemic. You’ll help come alongside elderly men and women, recent immigrants, widows, orphans and others who are struggling with even basic necessities.

Your support today will also be used to reach the “Lost Tribes of Israel,” scattered around the world, with humanitarian aid, clean water and medical, dental and eye care.

Meeting physical needs opens the door to share the love and hope of Yeshua (Jesus) with Jewish people, bringing spiritual healing to hurting hearts.

Your gift will also help engage the Church concerning Israel and the Jewish people through our publications and social media presence, leadership training and more.

Thank you for being a faithful supporter of Jewish Voice and for your love for the Jewish people in Israel and around the world. I’m grateful for your partnership and know you share in my enthusiasm about this new, historic peace agreement. May God open more opportunities for peace!

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