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Hope that Delivers: Thoughts from the Book of Exodus

April 05, 2020

Hope that Delivers: Thoughts from the Book of Exodus

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of realities not seen. —Hebrews 11:1

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and shalom in trusting, so you may overflow with hope in the power of the Ruach ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit). —Romans 15:13

Stop for a moment and think. What are you hoping to be delivered from at this time? It might be something specific, like global pandemic. It might be something more abstract but every bit as real and pervasive, like fear. The book of Exodus has so much to show us about hope amid whatever we are going through and asking deliverance from. The God who delivered the children of Israel and empowered His servant and friend Moses is the same God Who has hope for us today.

Starting tomorrow, journey with us over the next seven days as we explore the theme of Hope that Delivers: Thoughts from Exodus. May these short devotionals and Scriptures stir your hope and build your faith. May we receive a fresh awareness of the goodness of God and place our hope in Him anew.


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