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IDF soldier shot by Hamas, please pray

August 26, 2021

“The LORD is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.”
Proverbs 15:29 (NIV)

Shalom, my friend. 

As I write to you this week, my heart is heavy with the loss of life and the escalation of hostilities with Hamas in Gaza, and the violence and uncertainty in Afghanistan. But the one thing that remains clear for every single Believer in Jesus: We must pray. 

So please join me and all of us here at Jewish Voice in watching the situation unfold in the days and weeks ahead and in praying fervently for God’s grace, intervention and protection. 


Since the outbreak of rocket fire from Hamas in early May, indirect negotiations have been ongoing. But despite the “talks,” the violence has continued — and it appears a ceasefire is no longer on the table. 

According to The Jerusalem Post, on Saturday, during a violent riot along the Gaza perimeter fence, Border Police officer Bar-el Shmueli was shot in the head by a Hamas terrorist who approached his position and shot Shmueli with a handgun.

At the time of this writing, officer Shmueli had undergone several operations at Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheba and was in critical condition, intubated and sedated.

The IDF said in a released statement, “The Hamas terrorist organization continues to lead the Gaza Strip towards terror while exploiting the civilian population.”


Following a day of violence when the Israeli Border Police officer was shot in the head, The Times of Israel reported that Israeli airstrikes hit four Hamas weapons storage sites in the Gaza Strip.

The IDF said it hit four sites used by the terror group to produce and store weapons. During the strikes, Palestinians directed heavy machine-gun fire at Israeli aircraft over the coastal enclave. A number of homes and vehicles in Sderot were hit by the gunfire and suffered damage.

Despite the heightened tensions and machine-gun fire on Sderot, no change in safety instructions were issued to Israeli residents of the area.
The Times of Israel also reported that IDF sent reinforcements to bolster their presence along the Gaza border in anticipation of continued violence.


The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday that the COVID-19 booster shot is now available to Israelis aged 30+.

As of Monday, almost 10,000 new cases were reported. Officials hope the booster shot will help slow the wave of new infections. 

At last count, Israel had more than 72,000 active cases — marking an increase since the beginning of June. 

At the peak of the third wave last winter, there were more than 88,000 active cases. Since the pandemic began early last year, more than one million Israelis have been infected.

Of those tested on Monday, 6.63% tested positive, marking a record in the fourth wave.

Let us pray together

Please pray with me for:

  • God’s protection in the hostilities currently erupting along the Gaza Strip while Hamas continues to target the Jewish people with their hatred and violence
  • Peace in the hearts and minds of the people of Israel and their enemies
  • Jewish people to recognize Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah

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