“When I see the blood I will pass over you.” ―Exodus 12:13
Those words are so precious to me. The Lord used them when I was a teenager to give me the revelation that, through the shedding and presentation of His blood, Yeshua (Jesus) – the Lamb of God – fulfilled all God’s righteous requirements in relation to my sin. And God was satisfied. There was nothing more I needed to do but believe it and trust in Him for my salvation.
That Scripture comes from the account of God’s deliverance of the Children of Israel from Pharaoh, their cruel taskmaster. That event itself and its commemoration every year became known as “Passover,” a direct reference to that verse. As Jewish people worldwide pause to observe Passover (Friday evening, March 30 – Saturday evening, April 7, 2018), we have a prime opportunity to intercede for their present-day salvation and deliverance from forces and opposition against them.
As this email is sent out, we at Jewish Voice are in the midst of a week of prayer and fasting. Will you pray for the Lord to meet with us? And during this Passover season, will you join us in praying for the deliverance of the Jewish people in Israel and around the world?
Pray that unsaved Jewish people everywhere will be delivered from:
- Spiritual blindness – Romans 11:25, Luke 4:18
- Sin – Isaiah 53, Isaiah 43:25
- The evil one and all evil doers – Psalm 91, Psalm 109:21
- Lies and liars – Psalm 140:1, Galatians 6:7
And delivered into:
- Salvation and eternal life in Yeshua – 1 John 5:12; John 3:16
- God’s hand of protection – Psalm 121:4, 2 Thessalonians 3:3
- Communities of other believers – Acts 2:42, Acts 2:47
We pray:
Lord, it is hard to realize that many Jewish people no longer observe Passover. Of those who do, it saddens us that most cannot see it is a prophetic revelation of their Deliverer, Yeshua. Abba, please remove the spiritual blindness so that they would see that the sacrifice of Yeshua covers the sin of all who believe and receive Him. May they be delivered into salvation by Your mighty hand and outstretched arm. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.
Thank you again for your faithful prayers,
Prayer Center Coordinator