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Insider's Insights: What Does Abbas' Resignation Mean for Israel?

August 13, 2015

What Does Abbas' Resignation Mean for Israel? Reports and rumors are swirling that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud  Abbas is preparing to resign some time in the next two months. 

The question many Israelis are asking themselves is, “Will his replacement be more extreme and more dangerous than Abbas?”

Abbas is in the 11th year of what was supposed to be a four-year term. He has threatened to resign or dissolve the Palestinian Authority several times since becoming President of the PA.

According to a report in The Times of Israel:

“Abbas told Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi that he intends to announce his resignation at the next Fatah convention, Channel 2 reported, citing Egyptian journalist Mohamed Hassanein Heikal. Abbas also reportedly said that he will soon appoint a deputy, who would apparently be a hand-picked successor.”   What or who comes after Abbas is anyone’s guess, but a change in leadership could provide an opportunity for the PA’s primary rival—Hamas.

Speaking of Hamas, this week, a new report by Israel’s internal security and intelligence gathering agency, the Shin Bet, revealed that Israeli security forces have prevented 17 suicide attacks so far this year. That’s 17 in just seven months. This figure does not include attacks prevented by the Palestinian Authority, which has dismantled several terrorist cells.

Five of the 17 attacks thwarted by Israel were planned by members of Hamas, five were planned by other groups, and the remaining seven were not associated with any organization.

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