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Iran Nuclear Deal Presents Serious Challenges for Israel

May 21, 2015

I know I don’t have to tell you that the Middle East is already a volatile, incendiary powder keg. Even so, it seems the current U.S. Administration’s policies in the region are about to make it much more so. As I pointed out in an update several weeks ago, the Obama Administration’s determination to strike a nuclear deal with Iran at any cost is presenting a host of new security challenges for Israel. Bilateral_Nuclear_Talks_-_Ernest_Moniz-John_Kerry-Mohammad_J Now it seems that it may very well jumpstart a nuclear arms race in the entire region. For example, in Saudi Arabia, there are widespread public calls to match Iran’s nuclear quest. And two other Middle East powers, Turkey and Egypt, could also feel compelled to follow suit.

Last week, Ibrahim al-Marie, a retired Saudi colonel and security analyst in Riyadh warned, “Our leaders will never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon while we don’t. If Iran declares a nuclear weapon, we can’t afford to wait 30 years more for our own — we should be able to declare ours within a week.”

And the Wall Street Journal warns:

 “Such an arms race would further destabilize what is already the world’s most volatile region, where the risks of a nuclear war would be compounded by the threat of radioactive material falling into the hands of terrorist groups.” All of this is the very predictable outcome of the Obama Administration’s determination to see the international sanctions that have hampered Iran’s quest for a nuclear weapon loosened or removed altogether.

None of this is good news for Israel, a nation that finds itself increasingly isolated on the world stage.

Of course, this makes the vital work of Jewish Voice all the more important right now. We’re more committed than ever to bringing you up-to-the-minute news and analysis of events with prophetic significance.

At the same time, we’re expanding the scope and reach of our ministry in key points of need around the world. From serving scattered Tribes of Israel with humanitarian care to providing aid to aging Holocaust survivors in Israel, we are working to carry out God’s call to share the Good News with the Jew first.

That’s why your contributions of support are so very important. They make you a vital part of all these efforts and so much more.

As our way of saying “thank you” for your donation of $15 or more today, we’d like to send you a special set of gifts. The Seeds of Turmoil book is a clear and insightful look at the origins of the Middle East conflict and the significance of the Land today. We’ll also send you an important little pamphlet overviewing the “History of Jewish Persecution” over the centuries. This package of gifts is completed with our colorful Pray for Peace Bracelet reminding you to pray for Israel according to Psalm 122:6.

Your partnership means so much. Without you, we couldn’t do all that God has called us to do. But together, we are changing lives! Thank you!

To the Jew first and also to the Nations,



JB Circle Signature3.png Jonathan Bernis Jewish Voice Ministries International

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