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ISIS and Modern-Day Martyrs

April 23, 2015

New_Banner_Email You probably saw or heard news reports this last weekend that the Islamic State (ISIS) released a new video depicting the execution of 30 Ethiopian Christians by beheading or shooting on a beach in Libya. mideast-crisis_islamicstate-killings-3.jpg, Middle East, martyrs, ISIS The propaganda video is only the most recent in a series of appalling internet video releases by the Islamist group whose declared objective is to reestablish the medieval-era Islamic Caliphate that ruled most of the Middle East more than 900 years ago. Thus the group’s stated goals include wiping the state of Israel off the map.

These men were in Libya seeking jobs so they could support their families back home in Ethiopia. This underscores the hard realities of how difficult life can be for everyone in Ethiopia. But it is doubly so for “Lost Tribes” members such as the Beta Israel and the Gefat.

In fact, it came to light this week that three of the executed men had recently been in Israel where they had sought asylum and had hoped to find better economic prospects. But as we have reported previously, Israel is not currently able to take in asylum seekers from Ethiopia or its neighbors.

As a result, the three men departed for Libya in hopes of finding work there. Sadly, their families and those of 27 other Ethiopian men are grieving their loss this week.

It’s families like these, who cannot find work and struggle in poverty, that we minister to in Ethiopia. The Jewish People of Ethiopia are among the poorest of the poor in that country.

That’s why your gifts of support are so important. When you partner with Jewish Voice, you’re a vital part of delivering medical, humanitarian, and spiritual aid to “Lost Tribes” communities and sharing the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah with them. In fact, your contributions help us reach Jewish People the world over, including fragile Holocaust survivors living in need in Israel.

To thank you for your contribution today, we’d like to send you something extraordinary – an authentic, handmade Ethiopian Prayer Tallit made by the very people we minister to in Ethiopia. This beautiful prayer shawl will bless your prayer time and remind you of the lives you are touching with your donation to Jewish Voice.

Together we can reach precious Jewish People who need Yeshua, and we are grateful for your partnership. Thank you!


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