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Israel needs YOU

March 25, 2021
Shalom Partners

A year ago, our world seemed to turn upside down. Life as we knew it changed dramatically because of the coronavirus pandemic.

At the same time, Jewish people around the world were preparing to celebrate Passover, which brought to my mind some parallels to the first Passover.

We were — and still are — experiencing a plague. Leading up to that first Passover, there were nine horrible plagues. And then the tenth, and worst of all, the death of all the firstborn in Egypt.

Passover and all of the plagues were a reminder to the Israelites that the world they were living in was not their home. For us, this pandemic serves as a similar reminder.

That first Passover, the blood of a lamb without defect was spread on the doorposts as the sign to pass over those homes, to spare them from the plague.

God saved the Israelites because of the blood of the lamb. This was a foreshadowing of Yeshua (Jesus) -- the perfect Lamb of God — who saved us by the shedding of His blood as a sacrifice for our sin.

I believe that today is the day to declare this Good News to the Jewish people. Passover serves as a reminder of God’s miraculous provision and protection. That provision is God’s Son, the Messiah!

This pandemic has created a greater spiritual openness in the people we serve — in particular, Jewish people in Israel. Anxiety and fear of sickness and death have led many who have never thought about their salvation to begin asking big questions.

For your gift of any amount, you can receive our Hope in the Midst Devotional.

It’s a collection of nine separate devotionals, each seven days long and authored by various Jewish Voice staff members during the pandemic.

Despite the coronavirus, our ministry to those most in need in Israel and other nations has continued — thanks to you, our compassionate partners.

Together, we are meeting urgent physical needs, and that opens the door to sharing the Gospel.

In addition to the Passover celebration, in just a matter of weeks, Israel will celebrate its 73rd birthday. The modern Nation of Israel was founded on May 14, 1948.

Even though that historic day was more than a decade before I was born, I still rejoice greatly in Israel’s restoration. That’s because like so many Jewish people around the world, much of the Jewish identity I treasure is tied to the land. That means I rejoice greatly in this celebration of Israel’s restoration!

It is truly a miracle of God.

The recognition of the modern State of Israel more than seven decades ago was yet another chapter — not the end — of the long and continuing struggle to protect the Jewish homeland.

History books remind us that the very next day, Israel was under attack. The armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon invaded the new nation.

What came out of that was a stunning victory! The military forces of five countries were clearly larger and better equipped for battle. But the tiny Israeli army was well organized, disciplined and trained.

From that difficult beginning, and against all odds, the Jewish people living in Israel have gone on to defeat multiple enemies and overcome many challenges.

Still today Israel faces threats from Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas -- enemies committed to their destruction.

Through the ages, the children of Israel have miraculously survived against overwhelming odds and continue to be restored to their ancient homeland. This is evidence of God’s faithfulness to His People.

When I think about all of the challenges Israel has faced and continues to face, I am especially thankful for your partnership. I know you stand with Jewish Voice in our support of the Land of Israel and her people.

We take this stand because we believe the reestablishment of Israel is a clear sign God is fulfilling His promises.
We as Believers should stand with Israel and share the Gospel with the Jewish people because Israel’s salvation is a critical part of End Times prophecy — it is connected to the return of Jesus the Messiah.

Today, in honor of Passover and Israel’s 73rd birthday, I hope you’ll stand with Israel by sending a gift to meet the needs of Jewish people in Israel.

Jewish Voice works both directly with and through partner ministries in Israel to provide for the most vulnerable Jewish populations. This includes Holocaust survivors, widows and orphans, recent immigrants and single moms. Throughout the pandemic, this has been critical.

While economic challenges have hit nearly every country this past year, smaller countries like Israel are really struggling. Especially when you consider that tourism is one of the country’s major sources of income.

Through your partnership, Jewish Voice has already sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to partner ministries and congregations to help meet basic needs like food, rent and medicine. But the requests keep pouring in, and we don’t expect them to stop any time soon. I haven’t seen needs like this since I first went to Israel in 1983 when the country was experiencing a severe economic crisis.

Your support means we can provide humanitarian aid such as urgently needed food, medicine, clothing and other household goods. Dental care for Holocaust survivors. Support for Messianic congregations and immigrant communities, housing assistance and more.

When you partner with us to reach out to Jewish Israelis with compassion in Jesus’ name, you let hurting men, women and children know they are not forgotten.

These aid efforts are very important. And they open the door for us to share the Good News of Jesus the Messiah — which is the most significant work we do.

None of this can happen without help from you and other partners. That’s why I hope you’ll send a generous gift today.

With my deepest thanks for your partnership in this ministry, I’d like to send you a special gift when you give now to help Jewish people in Israel.

For your gift of any amount, you can receive our Hope in the Midst Devotional.

It’s a collection of nine separate devotionals, each seven days long and authored by various Jewish Voice staff members during the pandemic.

Each one is focused on a different book of the Bible, and together they create a resource to find hope in the midst of any trial you face. At the same time, Hope in the Midst is a snapshot of a period in history when most of the world stayed home, as we tried to stop the spread of the global coronavirus pandemic.

Hope in the Midst is a book that can be revisited during periods of difficulty, suffering or uncertain waiting — to lift your spirits and refocus your heart on God’s hope that is always in our midst.

If you already have this devotional, I hope you’ll request a copy to give as a gift to a friend or family member.

This gift is my way of saying thank you for your love for the Jewish people and the State of Israel, which is especially relevant as we approach the 73rd anniversary of her founding.

Please give as generously as you can to meet the physical needs of Jewish people in Israel, that we might gain the privilege of sharing the Good News. Thank you, and may you and your loved ones enjoy your Passover and Easter celebrations.

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Jewish Voice Ministries shares biblical insight as to why God wants you to have a heart for Israel and the Jewish people. Take this quiz to discover how much you know about the State of Israel, the Promised Land, and God's Chosen People. 

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