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Israel’s election Groundhog Day

March 25, 2021

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Messiah Yeshua. For the law of the Spirit of life in Messiah Yeshua has set you free from the law of sin and death.”
Romans 8:1-2

As we look forward to Passover and remember all God has done for us, I want you to know how much I appreciate you and how thankful I am that you share my love for Israel and the Jewish people.

Thinking about the first Passover, the Jewish people in Egypt had no hope of freedom without God’s intervention. They were powerless against their captors. And then God stepped in to declare His love for His people, rescue them out of their slavery to Pharaoh, and set them free.

Likewise, God initiates our salvation. He is the One who sees our need and stretches out His hand to meet it. He sent Yeshua (Jesus), our Passover Lamb, to take on our sin and die in our place. God intervened and came to our rescue!

What a cause for celebration every day – but especially during Passover, which begins this Saturday at sunset.

While we wait for Passover to begin, join me in looking at some of the latest news from Israel and continuing to lift up the Jewish people in prayer.

Israel No Closer to a Government after Fourth Election

All the votes are in and the outcome of Israel’s fourth election in two years is the same as the last three: no party or coalition of parties received enough seats to form a government.

Despite strong early polling, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party and allies only secured 52 of the 61 seats needed. A bloc of opposition parties only managed to secure 57 seats. Even plans to form a centrist coalition would only result in 58 seats.

Two parties, the right-wing Yamina and Islamist Ra’amm, are currently undeclared with 11 seats between them. However, neither is likely to gives those seats to an existing coalition.

The election results won’t be certified until March 31, which still leaves time for a coalition with 61 seats to form, but it is unlikely. Even if it does, it might not last long.

After the third election ended in a stalemate, the two largest opposition parties, Likud and Blue and White, agreed to form a power-sharing government. This would have seen Prime Minister Netanyahu and Benny Gantz trade the role of Prime Minister every two years. However, the coalition dissolved in December when disagreements between the parties prevented them from passing the government budget by the required deadline.

As things stand now, a fifth election looks likely to take place later this year.

Virus-Killing Nasal Spray Begins Production in Israel

A nasal spray that is going to be marketed as capable of killing 99.9% of virus particles is now being produced in an Israeli factory.

It’s inventor, Dr. Gilly Regev, an Israeli-raised biochemist, says the spray could have prevented much of the world’s COVID-19 infection, The Times of Israel reported.

Regev, who co-founded the company SaNOtize and developed the spray in Canada, says “This will be affordable and can be used for prevention, to protect from any respiratory viral infection.”

She said that it has been shown to be effective in the lab against a wide range of viruses and said new variants of the coronavirus won’t interfere with its effectiveness. Regev emphasized that “it contains a broad-spectrum antiviral which kills all viruses and all variants.”

Regev called Enovid a “hand sanitizer equivalent for the nose,” and said it creates a physical barrier in the nasal passages to stop viruses along with a “chemical barrier” of nitric oxide, which is known for its antimicrobial qualities. “The nitric oxide means this is a special spray that doesn’t just block viruses but actually kills them,” she said.

Israel is going to be the first country where the nasal spray is sold. It is also approved for sale in New Zealand. Other countries, including the UK, are seeking approval to purchase it.

Oral COVID-19 Vaccine Could Be on Its Way, Claims Israeli-American Company

Preparations are underway by an Israeli-American pharmaceutical company to launch a Phase 1 clinical trial for what could become the world’s first oral COVID-19 vaccine.

Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc., a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, announced this past weekend a joint venture with India-based Premas Biotech to develop a novel oral vaccine.

The companies connected earlier this year and realized together they could revolutionize the marketplace, according to Oramed CEO Nadav Kidron. They formed the company Oravax Medical Inc. The vaccine is based on Oramed’s POD (Protein Oral Delivery) technology and Prema’s vaccine technology.

This new Oravax vaccine candidate targets three structural proteins of the novel coronavirus. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines target a single spike protein, Kidron said. As such, “this vaccine should be much more resistant to COVID-19 variants,” he said.

Kidron expects Phase 1 human trial data to be available within three months.

Let Us Pray Together

Please pray with me for:

  • Protection from the coronavirus for the people of Israel as families and communities gather to celebrate Passover together
  • A peaceful, God-inspired solution to Israel’s government situation
  • Jewish people to recognize Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah and Passover Lamb

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