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The Lord Has Said, "Now is the Time!"

March 24, 2015


I have been serving the Lord long enough to know that following the leading of His Holy Spirit often requires stepping out in faith.

After all, Paul reminds us that, “we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). And he also declares:



For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. --Romans 8:14 NASB


Occasionally, however, following Yeshua (Jesus) in full obedience requires, not a step, but a leap of faith. If you’ve been a Yeshua follower for a while, I’m sure you understand what I mean.

Of course, it’s part of my stewardship responsibility to be prudent.

Nevertheless, my prayer as CEO and President of Jewish Voice Ministries is that this organization would always exhibit the courage and faith to leap boldly when we hear God’s voice clearly directing us to do so.

Even so, these are extreme times. So I probably shouldn’t be surprised to find that right now, we actually sense the Lord directing us to take TWO big leaps of faith at once!

I’m writing this brief note to you and a select group of our most faithful friends today to tell you about these two big challenges.

Please allow me to explain . . .

First, as I briefly mentioned in my January ministry letter, we strongly sense that now is the time to establish a full-time presence within Israel.

There is too much we’re called to do there. Too much need. Too much opportunity. We’re too far along on God’s prophetic timeline NOT to have a full-time Jewish Voice Israel office and staff.

And our current partners on the ground in Israel simply don’t have the infrastructure to handle the volume of needs God is calling us to meet inside the borders of that miraculously reborn nation.

In other words, we’ll be better able to help you stand with Israel if we’re standing in Israel.

That’s the first leap of obedience that we are even now preparing to take.

Secondly, we are diligently taking the steps necessary to convert our weekly television broadcast to one that airs daily — that is, five days a week.

Of course, this requires a five-fold increase in effort, preparation, production, and editing. But it also means a five-fold increase in our ability to change minds and transform hearts.

Again, the Lord has said, “Now is the time,” so we’re moving in obedience.

Frankly, the additional ministry expense associated with taking either one of these steps alone is daunting. Taking them both at the same time? Well . . .

. . . as I’ve said, you and I are called to a faith adventure, not a leisurely stroll in the park.

That’s why I’m asking you to share a special gift of support today — the very best you can manage.

By faith, not by sight,

JB-signature---no-last-name_transparent.png Jonathan Bernis

P.S. Our “leap” may require a step of faith on your part! Will you share your best possible gift and be a part of making this happen right now?



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