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Lord of Israel and the nations!

May 25, 2021

Prayer Points

The Lord declared, in both the Tanach (Old Testament) and the Brit Chadashah (New Testament), that His house was to be a house of prayer “for all nations.” He loves His people Israel and wants the world to know that He is their God. He also extends His love and purposes to Gentiles in the nations. Today we are praying for Israel and the nations, reflecting the heart of God for all peoples to know Him through Yeshua (Jesus). May He use our prayers to accomplish the work He calls us to at this time.

Please pray for:


  • Alertness as watchmen – that we continue praying for the peace of Jerusalem and freedom for Israel from all threats, external and internal
  • Believers to be strong and unified in faith and for congregations and ministries in the Land to effectively minister hope and the Good News of salvation through Yeshua
  • Ongoing wisdom for decision-makers, safety for citizens, and the Lord’s perfect plans regarding Israel’s government and leaders, including the presidential election on June 2


  • Our team during these last few days of the Medical Outreach in the southern region of Ethiopia
  • New Believers and those who are following up with people who were interested in hearing more
  • All involved in the Outreach, for safe travel home and good health


  • The Jewish people who received Jesus during our recent distribution Outreach in Zimbabwe
  • Each one of the thousands of households who received food or Family LifeStraws®
  • Our team as they prepare for our next Outreach to Zimbabwe in July


  • Lasting fruit from our recent congregational visits and continuing unity among congregations and their leaders in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe
  • Creative ideas and resources for them to reach others amid COVID-19 and many other economic, societal and national crises
  • Guidance from the Lord as to any new areas He might be leading us to in Africa


Lord, You truly are moving in Israel and among the nations! Stir our faith and fuel our prayers as we spend time in Your presence and stand on Your Word. May You hear these prayers and enable us to proclaim the Gospel to Jewish people and their neighbors, to see Messianic congregations and ministries flourish, and to engage the Church in participating with You in Your heart and plans for Israel and the Jewish people. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

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