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The Lord, My Salvation

June 05, 2023

Scripture is filled with messages of God’s salvation. We can cry out to Him for rescue just like the Israelites, psalmists and prophets did.

Our final book in the Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series was created to help you do just that — call out to the Lord for His mercy and salvation. This popular series is known for its beautiful photographs, inspirational verses and the ability to have you speaking the Hebrew language quickly and easily. In this 10th volume in the series, we’re looking at Adonai Yeshu’ati – The Lord My Salvation.

As we announce this final edition of the Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series, we thought we’d give you a sneak peek at a few of the verses and photographs it includes. We’ve also added a few devotional thoughts here to inspire your own reflection on the rest of the verses in the book when you order your copy

Saved from My Enemies

Track 9 from Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures, Adonai Yeshu'ati - The Lord My Salvation

“I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies”  – Psalm 18:3


As a Believer, when you hear the word “enemy,” you may think about the devil. Satan certainly is our foremost enemy, and as we read the Psalms, we see that David lived for years on the run from physical enemies trying to kill him. Not many of us are in his situation, but it’s easy to see that many other things can also be our enemies. Intangible things like fear, despair, or bitterness threaten to harm our spiritual and emotional well-being. God is there to save us from those, just like He rescued David from his physical enemies.

What kinds of situations leave you feeling desperate for rescue? It could be circumstances out of your control, a looming diagnosis, or the heaviness of grief over a lost loved one. Maybe you’re exhausted from overwork and can’t handle one more responsibility. Physical pain can be overwhelming, and so can emotional pain. All these things can threaten our trust in God, and He is more than willing to receive your cries for salvation from them.

He may not change the situation as quickly as we want – and sometimes He may not change it at all – but He has promised to walk with us through each situation. When we draw near to Him as our rock and fortress, He will provide strength to see us through with our faith intact and even stronger. He will save us from the harm the enemy and all our “enemies” intend against us.

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Want to live more like Yeshua (Jesus)? Take ownership of the heritage you've been grafted into by learning to embrace the traditions and cultures that Jesus Himself celebrated. Sign up to get helpful tips, education, devotions, and more that will draw you closer to Jesus and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! 

Salvation Joy

Track 16 from Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures, Adonai Yeshu'ati - The Lord My Salvation

“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit”  – Psalm 51:12

 ''Can you remember how you felt when you placed your faith in Yeshua? You may have experienced a deep astonishment at realizing that the God of the universe really loves you. Such an amazing truth can fill you with overwhelming joy.

As time goes on in our walk with the Lord, and we trudge through some spiritual battles and life’s hardships, that sense of joy may have waned. The hurts of life on this sin-scarred planet can encroach on joy like an aggressive vine overtakes a tree, hiding it almost completely.

One of the best ways to foster a comeback of joy is to remember your salvation story. Ask yourself some questions to reconnect with joy.

  • How did you come to faith in Jesus?
  • How did He show His love to you in those first amazing days and weeks as a new Believer?
  • How did it feel to realize for the first time that the King of Glory wanted you, received you, forgave you and loved you?
  • From what did He save you?
  • Where do you think you would be without Him?

Like David, the author of Psalm 51, when hardships or sin leave us feeling joyless, let’s ask the Lord to restore to us the joy of our salvation and sustain us with a spirit that is willing to press in to find the joy that is always available in His presence (Psalm 16:11).

Saved from Evil, Destined for Heaven

Track 43 from Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures, Adonai Yeshu'ati - The Lord My Salvation

“The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory for ever and ever. Amen” – 2 Timothy 4:18


Did you know that Jesus’ name in Hebrew – Yeshua – means “salvation”? When you add a couple of letters to the end of His name, it gets personal with the meaning “my salvation.” What a beautiful thing! John 3:16 says that God loved the whole world so much that He sent His Son, the Messiah Jesus, to save us. Jesus truly is the Savior of the world, but even more intimately, He is “my salvation.” He is your salvation.

When we place our faith in Jesus, He saves us from the enemy’s ultimate intention of forever separating us from the Lord. Scripture says nothing can separate us from His love, and no one can snatch us out of His hand. The enemy may attack us with evil, but he can never take away these realities about our relationship with God. Through whatever he may throw at us, we are the victors because of God’s powerful and unfailing love toward us. (See Romans 8:35–39 and John 10:28–29.)

We win because of God’s love for us. And you can be assured that He will bring you safely to His heavenly kingdom, where pure and uncompromised joy awaits you in His presence.

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Learn more about Jewish rhythms and traditions 

Want to live more like Yeshua (Jesus)? Take ownership of the heritage you've been grafted into by learning to embrace the traditions and cultures that Jesus Himself celebrated. Sign up to get helpful tips, education, devotions, and more that will draw you closer to Jesus and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! 

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