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Masvingo 2016 Recap: We couldn't have done this without you!

September 19, 2016

It was a bone-chilling Tuesday morning at 5:15 am, when the volunteers and outreach staff of Jewish Voice woke up to penetrating wind, drizzling rain, and a clinic covered in fog. Many of us were discouraged, wondering whether we should conduct the clinic that day in Masvingo, Zimbabwe.


After all, who would show up in this kind of weather?


But, our team pressed in and went to work, worshipping Yeshua in both English and Shona (the native language of the Lemba) and giving testament to the glory of God.

It was in that moment the Lord assured us that we were in the right place at the right time. Out of the fog, through the rain, bundled with winter coats, scarves, and umbrellas, the people of Masvingo made it to the clinic.

Our team knew at that moment, nothing would stop what the Lord had purposed to do in Masvingo that week.

With your financial and spiritual help, the Jewish Voice outreach team and medical partners were able to give clean water, humanitarian aid, and the Good News of Yeshua to the people of Masvingo.

There is something special about giving someone clean water for the first time, especially a little child. Your financial and spiritual partnership accounted for 6,730 people receiving LifeStraws®. That means 6,730 people will have clean and safe drinking water for one year.

In all, our team served 9,783 patients with the loving hands of Yeshua. We distributed 1,147 eyeglasses, performed more than 60 minor surgeries on-site, and served 1,225 dental patients. What’s more, 375 patients told us they received Yeshua as Messiah in our prayer area.

Praise the Lord!

That means your partnership and our team helped lead 375 people enter the Kingdom of God that week. Of those, we saw 100 choose to participate in an on-site immersion (baptism) conducted by leaders of the local Lemba congregations.

Again, we could not have successfully conducted this clinic without your prayers and financial help. We are so excited you have chosen to faithfully partner with us in the Gospel to see more and more Jewish people and their neighbors receive the physical and spiritual aid they need.

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