As of approximately 4:00pm on Wednesday, in the middle of our Mberengwa 2017 Medical Outreach, we greeted our 400,000th PATIENT to come through the gates of our medical outreaches since we began in Ethiopia in 1999.
May we continue to rejoice as, one by one, lives are transformed by receiving much-needed medical care in Yeshua’s Name and encountering the love and faithfulness of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Pray for continued strength for our team as we finish this last day of the clinic. Temperatures have soared above 100 degrees Fahrenheit the past two days, with cloudless skies and intense African sun. This last morning of clinic brought much-anticipated cloud cover and cooler temperatures as the rainy season in Southern Africa is about to begin.
We will update you with final outreach outcomes during the coming days—for both Kechene Ethiopia and Mberengwa Zimbabwe.

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