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Medical Missions: This is Love in Action

March 26, 2015




Love in action. That’s what JVMI medical missions are.



Zim-Woman1"Her anguished cries rose above all other voices in the busy prayer room. 'She's saying she cannot receive Jesus,' an Ethiopian translator informed a nearby volunteer. Her distraught words continued, 'God cannot love me! No one has ever loved me!'Team members tried to tell her that God does love her. With face buried in her hands, she shook her head. No, she did not believe it.A volunteer nudged his way through fellow workers and dropped to his knees in front of her. 'I love you,' he said. 'We love you.' And then he reached out and hugged her. 'God can't love me!' she wailed. She was rigid, her guarded heart still refusing.But love wouldn’t let go. When her resistance broke, she melted into sobs on his shoulder. Her wall now crumbled, she was able to hear God’s Good News. And she believed. This precious woman experienced love for the first time in the prayer room of a Jewish Voice medical outreach, and she accepted Yeshua (Jesus)."

  • Children with eye infections receive care that saves their eyes.
  • Widows can get well and strong again, and make it through their poverty.
  • Fathers heal and can resume caring for their families.
  • And the gift of clean water spares illness and saves lives.

Providing desperately needed medical and dental care to impoverished Jewish People is a powerful gift, and it also leads the way in opening hearts to the Good News of Yeshua. Love in action has a way of doing that. After patients are treated by volunteer medical professionals, they are invited to the clinic prayer room where the eternal need of their hearts can be met.



Be a part of changing lives, both for now and eternity! Be a part of love in action!

Answer the call!




Mberengwa Gutu Gondar April 23 - May 4 July 30 – Aug 10 October 9 - 19



 Will You Help Us Answer the Call?

Click here for additional 2015 JVMI medical missions opportunities.


We Need Medical Professionals & Non-Medical Volunteers!

gondar 2014 medical  


Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don’t have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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