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Our Ethiopia Medical Outreach needs your prayers

May 22, 2018
prayer points

Our Enfranz, Ethiopia, Medical Outreach is about to begin. There are a number of firsts associated with this trip. It’s our first time in Enfranz; we’ll be camping – which is unusual for our Ethiopia Outreaches; we’ll be housed in two separate campsites.

Creating two campsites will ensure that the needs of our very large group of Outreach staff and partners are met most efficiently. Also at the Enfranz Outreach, we’ll introduce the Zehra Kids Program in Ethiopia for the first time. It’s an exciting new way that we can serve the Jewish community there.

As always, we are aware that it is by God’s grace alone that we can minister effectively in the opportunities He provides. Please join us in prayer for our team, our partners and, most especially, for those we’ll minister to – the Jewish people and their neighbors – in Enfranz, Ethiopia.

Please pray for:

  • Safe travel to, from and within Ethiopia
  • Protection and ingenuity for those handling logistics
  • Good health and the Lord’s watchful love over each person during this Outreach, whether giving or receiving care
  • The spiritual ground to be well prepared in the people and region so they will gladly receive the Good News and it will take root and extend throughout the area
  • Strength, vigor, courage, and resilience for our team – physically, emotionally and spiritually – as well as wisdom and discernment to overcome every obstacle
  • A special outpouring of refreshment and energy for the team members participating in back-to-back trips
  • The Lord to set ambushes against His enemies as worship and praise arise daily

Let’s pray: Lord, even though, from our perspective, many of the aspects of our Enfranz, Ethiopia, Medical Outreach fall into the categories of “new” and “big,” nothing is too big or hard for You! We ask that we would see each day filled with miracles, healings and salvations bringing both deliverance to those receiving care and glory to You, the One we serve. In Yeshua’s name we pray, AMEN.

If you would like to pray along day by day, you can find daily prayer points for Enfranz here.

Please help cover the Outreach in prayer and let us know you’re praying! Click here to sign up for a time slot on our Enfranz Outreach prayer calendar.

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