After 10 years of conducting Medical Outreaches in Zimbabwe, we returned to the region where it all began, a place called Mberengewa. One of the highlights from this outreach was the Zehra Kids Program which ministers to children about their shared identity and heritage in Yeshua.
Because of You
Over 2,700 Zimbabwean children, many of whom are Lemba (Jewish), learned about Jesus through biblically-based lessons and activities. Of the 48 people who wanted to be immersed (baptized) as a testimony of their new faith in Jesus, six were from the Zehra Kids Program.
Indigenously Led
A vital component of sharing the Gospel in other countries is nurturing new Believers to take up the calling to reach their own people. On this Mberengwa Outreach, we were thrilled to see the first Zehra Kids Program entirely led by an indigenous Zimbabwean team.
Answered Prayers
We often pray for young people and Messianic Believers from Israel to catch the vision of the work we do. On this Mberengwa Outreach, a group of young adults, some of whom are second, or third generation Jewish Believers, joined us from Israel to serve alongside the Lemba leaders in the Zehra Kids Program. Two answered prayers!
All of this was possible because of your prayers and financial support. Thank you!
Just look at all the good you accomplished in Mberengwa!
- 7,630 Patients Treated
- 2,757 Children Ministered To
- 200 Family LifeStraw Water Filters Given
- 1,093 People Received Dental Care
- 934 Eyeglasses Distributed
- 54 Minor Surgeries
- 2,950 People Heard the Gospel
- 121 People Received Yeshua, 59 of whom are Jewish
- 185 People Requested a Visit to Learn More about Jesus