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A Plan to Address This Growing Problem

November 28, 2016

If you’re like me, you’ve been frustrated and angered by the way terrorists have used Facebook, Twitter, and other online social media to incite hatred, bigotry, and violence. Especially against Israel.

But we may finally be making some headway on that front, according to a recent article in the Jerusalem Post.

The Post reported that a national security expert is encouraging countries to work together to force Facebook and Twitter to crack down on those who use social networks to incite terror.

Gabi Siboni of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) notes that social media is being used to actively incite lone-wolf terror attacks against Israelis as well as to challenge Israel’s right to self-defense and encourage the worldwide anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

The INSS is a U.S.-based think tank that seeks to shape the public discourse on Israel’s national security matters.

Siboni believes the only way popular social media networks will clamp down on terror online is through pressure from a united international effort. But he readily admits this will be a challenge.

Siboni’s recommendation is part of a larger plan to address the growing problem of terrorists’ adept use of online social networks to spread propaganda, recruit followers, harass Israel, and taunt the West. He says he is particularly concerned about the power of social media to undermine Israel and “limit its freedom to act in self-defense.”

Siboni encouraged Israel to respond immediately by establishing a coordinated network of military, intelligence, diplomatic, legal, and public relations efforts specifically to fight the negative impact of anti-Israel social media propaganda.

I’m encouraged by this development. And I hope you are too.

Because for 2,700 years, Jewish people have suffered the most sustained persecution in history. From Haman—the royal official who plotted to kill all Jews in Persia simply because he hated one specific Jew named Mordecai—to Adolf Hitler and his shocking Final Solution, Satan has continually shown his hatred for God’s chosen people.

So it’s no surprise that those who hate Israel have taken to the most effective means of communication in history, the internet, to spread their message. Any action to limit that trend is good news.

Jewish Voice always has, and always will, stand against anti-Semitism, anti-Israel sentiment and, certainly, against terrorism of any kind.

And I want to thank you for your support, which enables Jewish Voice to continue bringing to the forefront the evil of anti-Semitism. Whenever possible, we help Jewish people suffering isolation and persecution. And we regularly use this weekly email and other communications to keep you up-to-date on news affecting Israel and the Jewish people.

The hatred, threats, and violence directed at the nation of Israel are all real. That’s why I hope you’ll join me in not only praying for peace in the Middle East and safety for the Jewish people, but also standing with us in this calling through your generous financial support. We can’t do it without you, and we are so grateful for your partnership.

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