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Pray For Israel During This Special Week of Passover and Easter

April 14, 2017

On the eve of week-long Passover and Easter observances — and with obvious calculation — the Islamic State (ISIS) has intensified its terror attacks.

ISIS sent suicide bombers into two Coptic churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday, killing at least 45 worshippers. The attacks were coordinated and clearly intended to cause maximum carnage and fear for followers of Yeshua (Jesus) during this holy week.

Meanwhile, ISIS has also claimed responsibility for a rocket attack on southern Israel, launched from Sinai on Monday. One person apparently suffered shock, but no other injuries were reported.

The rocket attack came as Jews all across Israel were preparing for Passover and shortly after the Israeli government closed its side of the Taba border crossing, between the resort town of Eilat and Egypt, due to concerns over possible terrorist attacks targeting tourists.

For the last few weeks, Israeli intelligence has warned citizens and been on guard noting the possibility of increased attacks during Passover week. The Times of Israel reported on Sunday that the Israeli Counter-Terrorism Bureau encouraged Israelis not to travel to the Sinai Peninsula, where the Islamic State is in a bloody conflict with Egyptian security forces and carries out attacks against civilians.

These two attacks show the undeniable cynicism and deeply rooted evil that guide the expanding worldwide threat of radical Islamic terrorism.


The latest on Syrian chemical attack

Following up on last week’s Middle East Update, the Israeli government is said to be considering if and how it might bring Syrian children hurt in last week’s chemical weapons attack to Israel for treatment.

While Israel has helped thousands of Syrians wounded in the nation’s 6-year civil war, it has treated only those who can make it to the Golan Heights border. Reaching out to children wounded in the gas attack far inside the border would be difficult and mark a shift in policy.

Israel says that since 2013, it has quietly treated 3,000 Syrians who were spirited across the border by the Israeli military for medical treatment at Israeli field hospitals and medical centers.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said there has been no vote on the matter and it was only being explored.

Netanyahu was outspoken in his support of U.S. airstrikes last Thursday on the airfield where the Syrian chemical attack was allegedly launched. Before his weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday he said, “Israel fully supports the American attack on Syria.” He added that “they did this . . . to make it clear that there is a price for using chemical weapons.”


Pray for Israel during this special week of Passover and Easter

It’s difficult to watch as terrorists use Passover and Easter observances to multiply the deadly impact of their attacks. But we must stand strong for our fellow believers in Yeshua—and for those we wish to bring to salvation in His name. Prayer is a vital weapon in the war against evil.

As we approach Good Friday, then Resurrection Sunday, and the closing days of Passover, please pray for Jewish people who are in harm’s way. There’s great urgency to reach them with the Gospel.

And, as you pray, I hope you’ll consider making a gift to Jewish Voice. Your generosity, and that of other caring followers of Yeshua, make this ministry to Jewish people possible. We deeply appreciate your support of the work God has called us to.

To thank you for your gift of $40 or more today, we’ll send you a revealing — and encouraging — package of gifts. Kamal Saleem is a former terrorist who is now a follower of Yeshua. His two DVDs, “Unveiling the Ugly Truth” and “Unveiling the Beautiful Truth” address the rising threat of radical Islam and provide you significant how-tos for reaching the Muslim people with the Gospel of Yeshua. Presented along with General Jerry Boykin and Tom Doyle, these two DVDs are valuable tools during these times we’re living in.



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