We are joining a historic worldwide Isaiah 62 initiative of prayer for Israel that involves a particular three-week time period and the call for lifelong prayer warriors for the salvation of Israel. This article will explain the initiative and provide additional insight into the who, why, what and how of prayer for Israel and the Jewish people.
Across the world, there is an unprecedented prayer effort calling on people to pray very specifically for Israel. This is an intensive three-week season of prayer that begins on May 7 and ends on Pentecost Sunday, May 28.
Jewish Voice is looking for 1,000 of our partners to join us in committing to pray during these three weeks. Would you join your voice with others across the world to lift a resounding cry to the Lord?
During this three-week timeframe, from May 7–28, 2023, please ask the Lord to:
- Remove the spiritual blindness from the Jewish people so they will recognize Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah
- Raise up 100 million lifelong intercessors who will pray for the salvation of Israel. May they be “Isaiah 62 watchmen” that give the Lord no rest until they see Israel’s salvation
Watch this video invitation from Ezra Benjamin, Vice President of Global Ministry Affairs, and commit to pray for Israel from May 7–28.
In addition to the above prayers, here are some ways and reasons to pray for Israel both during and beyond the set-aside 21 days of this special initiative. Let’s give the Lord no rest as we cry out for His Chosen People.
When you hear “Israel,” what do you think? That little word holds three distinct meanings that can help guide your prayers.
- Israel the State – The State of Israel is the entire country of Israel, and all that goes on within it – socially, spiritually, politically, educationally, militarily, everything
- Israel the Land –The Bible validates prayer for the physical Land of Israel in 2 Samuel 21:14, where God heeded their prayers for the Land. It’s fitting to pray for its protection and abundance as it sustains the people
- Israel the People – Most importantly, “Israel” means the Jewish people, wherever they may be in the world. The Bible refers to all Jewish people collectively as “Israel” – whether they live in Israel, North America, Europe, Ethiopia, the Pacific Islands or anywhere else
Watch this video invitation from Ezra Benjamin, Vice President of Global Ministry Affairs, and commit to pray for Israel from May 7–28.
Why is it important to pray for Israel? Here are just a few of the reasons. If you’re familiar with Scripture, you may remember that in Genesis 12:3, when God first called Abraham to follow Him and become a great nation of people, God said He intended to bless whoever blessed Abraham and His people. And while God’s promises always come true, receiving a blessing from God shouldn’t be our first motivation for praying for Israel. No, we are to love and pray for Israel because God loves Israel. We pray for Israel because:
- Israel is precious to God (Isaiah 43)
- God says Israel is “the apple of His eye” (Proverbs 17:8, Zechariah 2:8). It’s not that Gentile believers aren’t precious to God or are “less than,” nor that He loves Israel more than anyone in the world. No, John 3:16 reveals that God loves every human being and sent His Son, the Messiah, so that each one could have the opportunity to receive Him and be saved from their sin (See also Isaiah 53:6.)
- God chose a particular people – the Jewish people, descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – through which to bring the Messiah (Deuteronomy 7:6, Genesis 22:18)
- God chose this particular people thousands of years ago to know Him, love Him, and follow Him. He called the Jewish people to be His witnesses, and through them, He made Himself known to the rest of the world (Isaiah 43:8–12)
- God’s covenant with Israel is everlasting (Genesis 17:7), and His calling of the Jewish people is irrevocable (Romans 11:29)
- God charged the Jewish people with caring for His Word, His covenants and promises (Romans 9:4–5)
- Jesus the Messiah is the only way for anyone to be reconciled to God the Father (John 14:6, Acts 4:12). How it must break God’s heart that the people He chose to be His own, by and large, do not believe in the One He promised and sent to them
What should you include in your prayer for Israel? Pray whatever you pray for your loved ones, country, or government. As you pray, listen to how the Lord wants to direct your heart each time you pray for the people, State and Land of Israel. Here are a few places to start:
- Salvation – hearts and minds to open to see that Jesus is the Messiah promised in their Scriptures
- Protection – Protection and relief from persecution, violence, hatred and any schemes to harm the State, Land, or people of Israel
- Peace – Psalm 122:6 calls upon us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May peace be found within all of Israel’s borders and surrounding Jewish people everywhere
- An end to anti-Semitism worldwide
- Wisdom and guidance for government leaders
There are countless ways you can pray for Israel. Here are a few ideas that may spark more of your own.
- Find a particular place or time to pray for Israel – such as your morning commute, at every meal, in a special chair
- Sign up for a regular time slot on the Jewish Voice 24-7 Prayer Calendar (we’ll even send you reminders by email if you like)
- Pray morning, noon and night for the people, country and Land of Israel
- Pray a repeating cycle: one day for the people, one for the State and one for the Land
- Pray by people groups, such as government officials, decision-makers, educators, police and military, rabbis, single moms, immigrants, those facing certain life struggles, etc.
- Pray through Scriptures, using our Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel
- Pray using the Intercessory Prayer Guide for Jewish People Around the World
- Pray the Scriptures for Israel and the Jewish people
- Use the Psalms to guide your prayers – Some Bible versions include subheadings describing the content within certain Psalms, such as “a prayer for protection.” If yours does, you could use them as guides for your prayers for Israel. For instance:
- Protection from Enemies and Evil – Psalms 7, 54, 56, 57, 70, 83, 123, 141, 142
- Guidance – Psalm 5, Psalm 143
- Faith During Hardship or Discouragement – Psalms 6, 88
- Accountability Under God and His Redemption – Psalm 26
- Enduring the Lord’s Chastening – Psalm 38
- Wisdom and Forgiveness – Psalm 39
- Repentance – Psalm 51
- Restoration – Psalms 60, 80, 85
- Mercy – Psalm 86
Watch a special video invitation from Ezra Benjamin, Vice President of Global Ministry Affairs, to pray for Israel from May 7 - 28