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Prayer Points: Breaking new ground in the U.S.

February 09, 2022

Prayer Points

Quick! Name a country where Jewish Voice has ministered.

Ethiopia. Zimbabwe. India.

Yes, yes and yes. And don’t forget Poland, Ukraine, Argentina, Mexico. The list goes on.

However, despite the international nature of our ministry, a burden for the United States, where we are headquartered, has never been far from Rabbi Jonathan Bernis’ heart.

We frequently ask you to pray for Messianic Jewish congregations in Africa and other parts of the world. But the Messianic Jewish Movement in North America is very much on our hearts and minds in 2022. There are approximately 300 Messianic Jewish congregations in the USA, with about another 30 in Canada. We would love your prayers for these communities to not only continue strong in the Lord but to flourish and grow.

Please pray for:

  • Each Messianic Jewish congregation in North America to have a solid commitment to keep Yeshua (Jesus) at the center of the congregation’s shared life
  • Existing congregations to experience a fresh infusion of life, unity, grace and hope from the Holy Spirit
  • The establishment of new congregations
  • Healthy leadership committed to the Lord, their own spiritual health, marriages, families and congregations.
  • All congregations to be grounded in their Messianic Jewish identity and calling and fulfill the unique purposes for which the Lord has planted them in their communities and spheres of influence
  • A vibrant witness and outreach to Jewish people and a deep desire and vision to also be a light to the Nations, whether across the world or in their own neighborhoods
  • Openness to cultivate healthy relationships and partnerships with other Believers, including Gentile Christians and churches, in order to further the work of the Kingdom through shared expressions of the Messiah’s love

Let’s pray:

Lord, You desire to make Yourself known across the globe through Your Body. Thank you for each of these Messianic Jewish congregations in North America and their unique impacts and influences as local expressions of Your Body. May You strengthen and encourage them and motivate them to continue being lights in the world, for Your name’s sake. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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