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Prayer Points: Do your prayers really matter? Yes, they do

August 14, 2024

Reaching New Locations in Zambia

Would you pray with us? Your prayers matter.

The Lord has opened a door for us in Zambia, and we’re about to go through it for the third time. We are headed to Chiwena, which is a new location for us in that country. Our Medical Outreach trip will be August 29–September 8. We’re excited to minister to the many Lemba Jewish people there and their neighbor

Your prayers really do matter. We know the Lord alone can make this Outreach effective. Please pave the way for us through prayer. Here's how:

  • Follow along day by day using these detailed Prayer Points to pray for this upcoming Medical Outreach

Please pray for us on this Jewish Voice Ministries Chiwena, Zambia, Medical Outreach.

Preparing for the Outreach

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

Isaiah 40:3 NKJV

Wednesday, August 21 – Wednesday, August 28

  • All preparations – such as visas, medical supplies, site readiness, team unity and community relationships – to come together and be fully in place in good time
  • All our improvements to the local rural clinic to be ready to receive patients during our Medical Outreach  
  • Protection, health, safety and favor as our team and partners prepare and travel
  • The Lord to prepare people’s hearts and the spiritual atmosphere in Chiwena, causing spiritual forces of darkness to flee and making way for the King of Glory to come with salvation, healing and deliverance

Travel and Team Readiness

The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121:8

Thursday, August 29

  • Safe travels and arrivals in the air and on land for people and their luggage
  • Fellowship and unity among staff and volunteers to begin right away and last all week
  • Physical health and spiritual preparation for all participants

Friday, August 30

  • A wonderful Erev Shabbat meal and service at the local Messianic congregation
  • Easy adaptation to new food, new environments, and a new time zone
  • Stamina, health and strength for our small team of medical personnel and partners, as well as for our JVMI staff members

Saturday, August 31

  • Efficient Clinic set-up and a strategic plan for patient flow through the Outreach Clinic area
  • Effective orientation for medical and dental professionals and all Outreach partners
  • Training for specialty areas, including Zehra Kids, the water training program and the Spiritual Care Ministry

During the Outreach

“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,”

Luke 4:18

Sunday, September 1

  • God’s help in hiring trustworthy local workers and that they would receive Yeshua (Jesus)
  • An excellent start to the Zehra Kids Program and for it to continue strong throughout the week
  • A timely and wonderful opening to the Clinic, with many coming right from the beginning to receive care

Monday, September 2

  • The Lord to bring our team wisdom, favor, discernment and protection regarding any local or unique factors regarding this location, conditions or timeframe
  • Our Spiritual Care Manager and the local Believers to partner beautifully in providing prayer, ministry and words of life through the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Spiritual freedom for anyone under the influence of witchcraft or false religion

Tuesday, September 3

  • The water training program as it brings clean water as well as the Good News of Living Water in Jesus
  • Encouragement and fresh energy for everyone serving, renewed by intimacy with the Lord, the daily prayer times and the mid-week worship service
  • Miracles, signs and wonders that will confirm the Word of God
  • Healing through effective medical and dental care and also through God’s supernatural intervention as a testimony of His power and love

Wednesday, September 4

  • The Lord to work in the hearts of the Lemba Jewish people, helping them know both their identity and Yeshua’s
  • Our presence in Chiwena to confirm to the Lemba that the Lord loves and desires to bless them
  • The local Christian community to gain an appreciation and greater understanding of God’s love and purposes for the Jewish people, especially the Lemba in their region

Thursday, September 5

  • The Lord to move powerfully through the Gospel and the ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The ability to see as many patients as possible on the last day of the Clinic
  • A safe tear-down and peaceful payment of local workers once the Clinic closes

After the Outreach

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of [Messiah] Jesus.

 Philippians 1:4–6

Friday, September 6

  • An evening of praises and testimonies during Shabbat dinner together
  • Each person to sense the Lord saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
  • The ability to truly rest and be restored after a week of ministry and service

Saturday, September 7 – Sunday, September 8 and beyond

  • Safe travels home and a special outpouring of grace on everyone who served by honoring the Lord and loving the Chiwena community through this Outreach  
  • Effective and timely follow-up to all who want to hear more about Jesus
  • The Lord to continue establishing His Kingdom in Zimbabwe and developing healthy congregations
  • The Lord to continue working in the Mumbwa region, bringing a great movement of His Holy Spirit among these dear people

Let’s Pray

Lord, our hearts’ desire is to reach even more Lemba Jewish people during the Chiwena Medical Clinic than we reached in the past two Clinics. Please prepare the region and the people’s hearts for Your Good News to have maximum impact. May You use us to facilitate not only the healing of bodies but also the healing of hearts and minds through salvation and deliverance. May everything we do be done in love and by the power of Your Spirit. We trust in You and thank You for this opportunity. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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