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Prayer Points: Setting the Stage and First Outreach

February 26, 2025

Coming SOON: An important Scouting Trip to three nations and our first Medical Outreach of 2025!

We are praying that this year’s Outreach season will be one of our most fruitful ever. We’re also praying that our scouting trip will set the stage for even more opportunities to bless the Jewish people and tell them about Yeshua (Jesus).

We are living in times that deeply underscore not only the tumultuousness in the nations but also the deep need for the Jewish people and their neighbors to have a living and personal relationship with the Lord through Yeshua.

Please pray for us. We consider your fervent and effective prayer a strategic key to the Lord’s provision of success for this work!

Ways to Pray

Here’s how to cover this Scouting Trip and Medical Outreach in prayer:

Please pray for these trips.

Scouting Trip

Last Week of February through First Week of March

Please pray for safe travels and divine connections with the right people in each nation:

  • South Africa, where we will hold our second 2025 Outreach
  • Malawi, where we are praying to hold an Outreach later this year
  • An area in another nation that will require much protection and sensitivity to the Lord’s leading

Southern Ethiopia Medical Outreach

March 6–16

Before the Outreach

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

— Isaiah 40:3 NKJV

Wednesday, February 26 – Wednesday, March 5

  • All preparations, including VISAS, medical supplies, and site preparations, come together and be fully in place in good time
  • Great team unity and excellent community relationships
  • The Lord to prepare people’s hearts and the spiritual atmosphere in Southern Ethiopia, causing spiritual forces of darkness to flee and making way for the King of Glory to come with salvation, healing and deliverance

Thursday, March 6

  • Protection, health, safety and favor as our team and partners prepare and travel
  • For favor with all flights, and that all passengers and luggage will arrive on time and in good condition
  • That all involved will prepare their hearts to serve during the Outreach and get a sense of the Lord’s desire for them in that

Friday, March 7

  • All flights to be timely and everyone and everything on board – there is a close timing issue today
  • Strong unity among all team members – JVMI staff, medical and dental professionals, Ethiopian staff, local congregational members, and Outreach Partners – to begin quickly and continue that way throughout the week
  • Grace regarding the accommodations, as they are said to be quite rustic

Saturday, March 8

  • All partners and other team members as they acclimate to the time zone, local food, and lodging
  • Favorable and mild weather (it is springtime and may be warm) and protection from illness, accidents and any other maladies – under the caring and healing hand of Yeshua
  • Again, pray for the physical and spiritual protection of the whole team and their families, including the Zehra Kids Program team. Ask God to keep them healthy, safe, and protected from any challenges or distractions that may arise as they serve
  • Team training and set-up that will take place today

During the Outreach

“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,”

— Luke 4:18

Sunday, March 9

  • Word regarding the Clinic to spread quickly so that many are drawn to receive not only medical care but also the Good News of Yeshua
  • The Lord to move powerfully through the Gospel and the Holy Spirit
  • Great effectiveness, order and shalom as the Clinic opens today and throughout the week
  • Spirit-led collaboration in the Spiritual Care tent between local Believers and Outreach team members

Monday, March 10

  • Healing through effective medical and dental care and also through God’s supernatural intervention
  • The Lord to give us wisdom, favor, discernment, and protection regarding any unique factors regarding this new location, conditions or timeframe
  • Great favor with local authorities and the community; may they be abundantly blessed, seek the Lord, and extend blessing to their Jewish neighbors

Tuesday, March 11

  • Strength, unity, and seamless collaboration between Global Outreach staff, the Zehra Kids Program team, Outreach Partners, medical professionals, local volunteers, and indigenous leadership
  • The Zehra program to have a lasting spiritual impact on the young people it serves, and as God grows the program, it will bear the fruit of strengthened faith, deepened Jewish identity, and a commitment to sharing the Good News with others
  • For the large group of young Jewish Believers – part of an Israeli discipleship program – who will serve on this Outreach. Please pray they have meaningful connections/encounters with the Lord and the local Jewish community. May their hearts be touched and their relationships with the Lord deepened. May they receive clarity regarding His calling on their lives

Wednesday, March 12

  • The Spiritual Care and Living Waters teams to leave an eternal impact in the community through salvations, love, and provision
  • Spiritual strength and stamina for our team, renewed by intimacy with the Lord and through daily prayer and worship times together
  • Salvation, healing and deliverance as the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit go forth in great power
  • Protection from the schemes of the enemy and openness to the Good News as we break new ground in this new region near a Jewish community

Thursday, March 13

  • The ability to treat everyone the Lord has for us on the last day
  • Supernatural healing for those we can’t treat before the Clinic has to close
  • Safety as we close Clinic, pack everything up, and pay local workers. Pray they come to know Yeshua!

After the Outreach

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of [Messiah] Jesus.

— Philippians 1:4–6

Friday, March 14

  • Pray once more for flights, passengers, and luggage, as this is a tight travel day from the Outreach location back to the capital city
  • Continued healing, salvation, and testimony of all the Lord did. Even though our team will leave, may the Lord continue working by His Spirit
  • A restful Erev Shabbat, accompanied by many praises of the Lord’s goodness and an assurance of His “well done, good and faithful servant” over each participant

Saturday, March 15 and beyond

  • Safe travels home for all national and international participants
  • The Lord to continue working, bringing a great movement of His Holy Spirit among the Jewish people and their neighbors in Southern Ethiopia
  • Effective and timely follow-up with all who want to hear more about Yeshua
  • The Lord to continue establishing His Kingdom in Ethiopia and developing healthy congregations

Let’s Pray

Lord, please use us to help and bless the Jewish people and their neighbors in Southern Ethiopia. Please lead us and enable us to do the same in the other places we will explore during the scouting trip that precedes this Outreach. We need, ask for, and rely upon Your help in every area. Thank You for those who commit to pray alongside us. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

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