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Prayer Points: We have cause for celebration, but also news on a cancellation

December 07, 2021

Prayer Points

We have news on a cause for celebration, and also a cancellation. Will you join us in praise and prayer?

PRAISE AND CELEBRATION: In our last Prayer Points, we asked you to pray for a unique gathering of Messianic Jewish leaders recently held in the U.S., with leaders from all over the world, including Israel. THANK YOU for your prayers. This was a benchmark gathering. Although the theme was general, “Healthy Leadership,” the Lord imparted specific and consistent threads throughout the teaching and encouraged those in attendance. It truly was a rich and memorable time, and many said it was the best gathering of its kind they had attended. The Lord answered your prayers.

NOW, would you please pray for congregational leaders in Africa?

A CANCELLATION: This Prayer Points was originally intended to invite you to pray for our Messianic Leadership Training trip to Africa, which would start now and cover the next several weeks. However, due to unrelated situations in both Ethiopia and Zimbabwe, this trip has been postponed.

We are disappointed because, as Paul says in Romans 1:11, we have longed to see these congregational leaders in person so we could encourage them and see them strengthened in the Lord. However, we know that our desire to see them and the trip’s timing are in the Lord’s hands, and we trust Him.

Now – all the more in light of the cancellation – we want to focus our prayers on these dear congregational leaders in Africa.

Please join us in praying for:

  • The Lord to comfort any disappointment over this cancellation – on both sides – and open the way for the visits to take place in the first half of 2022
  • These leaders to feel seen, known and encouraged despite the delay of our in-person visit
  • Messianic Jewish leaders in each country to be further equipped to live out of their own God-given authority to govern, grow, and see supernatural provision for the work of their congregations and organizations
  • The Lord to use them to strengthen and grow the Messianic Movement in their countries by networking and partnering with one another, including those from other tribes and regions
  • Favor from all authorities, leaders and community members as well as protection from disease and unrest
  • Faith, endurance and hope to continue fighting the good fight of faith, making the most of every opportunity the Lord provides them as they love and serve Him and each other

Let’s pray:

Lord, how we have longed to be with these brothers and sisters, leaders in the Messianic body of believers in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. Thank You that even when we can’t be with them, You are. Please sustain, encourage and grow them in You. Help them be blameless and pure, shining like lights in the midst of their generation. May they live out the reality of knowing Yeshua and draw many to You. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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