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Prayer Points: You can make a difference by praying for our 2022 Outreaches

January 12, 2022


At the start of each year, we go on “scouting trips” to locations we are planning or prayerfully hoping to hold Outreaches. This year, however, will be different than previous years.

For the first time, rather than by staff members from our Jewish Voice U.S. headquarters, scouting will be done exclusively by our Africa staff in partnership with local Messianic congregation leaders. We are excited about these indigenous leaders making local connections and doing the “on the ground” investigative research needed to conduct Outreaches in their own nations and regions.

We covet your prayer support for these excursions. Please intercede for safety, wisdom, discernment, and divine connections for those doing the scouting.

  • In Zimbabwe, the team will be our staff Administrator, Inventory Specialist and the Overseer of the network of Lemba Messianic congregations
  • In Ethiopia, the team will be our Medical Director for Outreaches, Project Manager and two leading pastors from key Messianic congregational networks there

The Zimbabwe scouting has already begun. Please pray for discernment and any follow-up that needs to take place.

  • Pray for the team as they visit areas of some of the new congregations where we distributed humanitarian aid in 2021

The scouting in Ethiopia will take place once inter-city travel restrictions are lifted there.

  • Please pray for the situation in Ethiopia to de-escalate and for wisdom for government officials in lifting those restrictions

As our in-country staff in each nation scouts new Outreach locations with Messianic congregation leaders, pray they will be sensitive to the Lord’s Spirit and effectively:

  • Identify the size of the community, which is not always easy in rural areas
  • Do accurate needs assessment to help inform what type of Outreach we will do
  • Find a viable housing location for participants during the Outreach, whether hotel or camping
  • Find the best site for the actual Clinics
  • Discern the probability of receiving government permissions and authorization

Pray also for:

  • Extravagant favor with authorities, community leaders and people of influence at every potential location
  • Success locating adequate sources of healthy water and food supplies for our Outreaches
  • The Lord to clearly show us where in Zimbabwe that He wants us to hold our March Outreach

Let’s pray:

Lord, thank You that You have raised up trusted staff members and spiritual leaders in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. Thank You that they wholeheartedly desire to see all Israel saved and Jewish people in Africa not only to come to know Yeshua (Jesus) but worship together in Messianic Jewish congregations. Please prepare them to be sensitive to and reliant upon Your guidance through Your Spirit. May Your favor go before them, and may they be met with divine appointments and confirmations every step of the way. Help them see the potential fruitfulness of each area and not just the giants that might seem to stand in the way. Our prayer is that You would open doors for effective ministry in 2022 in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. May it all be for Your glory, Lord! In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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