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Stirring up Hope and Encouragement

March 16, 2016

I write today because God has given me an important message for you. It’s wonderful news, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

So, please don’t lay this letter aside before I have the opportunity to deliver that message in full. First, a little background . . .

Across my decades of ministry travel on behalf of Jewish Voice, I’ve had to confront some heartbreaking sights. As you might imagine, when you lead an organization called to minister to and directly help many of the poorest and most oppressed Jewish communities and their neighbors on Earth, your eyes take in some things that are very hard to look at.

I’ve seen up close the devastating effects of malnutrition, contaminated water, persecution, war, and hatred. It’s never pretty.

Yet, I have seen an enemy even more insidious and destructive.


Among the saddest things I’ve ever encountered are people who have lost hope.

Enemies like malnutrition do violence to the human body, but hopelessness kills the human soul. When you have looked into the eyes of precious individuals who have lost all hope, it haunts you.

Where there is no hope, fear reigns.

The thing is, hopelessness and fear aren’t only a problem in Ethiopia or Ukraine. I’m seeing the epidemic everywhere — including here in the U.S., in Israel, Canada, and across Europe.

We are living in turbulent times. Simply following the national and local news can be a frightening and discouraging experience these days.

Everywhere I go, I see people losing hope for their future and the futures of their children or grandchildren. Of course, restoring hope in the name and power of Yeshua (Jesus) lies at the very heart of what God has called this ministry to do.

This is why I felt the Spirit of God leading me to write a book He could use to stir up hope and encouragement in the hearts of His people in these Last Days.

The Lord stirred in me a powerful desire to communicate some key truths to you and other Believers that will be vital in the volatile times ahead. Encouraging truths!

So I greatly expanded a message the Lord gave me from Jeremiah 29:11. In context, this was a word of encouragement to the Jewish People exiled to Babylon. But by application, it is a promise to every one of us . . . to you!

I have now captured all this encouraging truth on the pages of a new book I’ve just completed, called A Hope and a Future: Live with Expectancy.

I believe this new book will revolutionize your spiritual life; it will change the way you think. Especially if you have been going through tough times or feel isolated from the Lord.

Yes, the times are dark. Yes, a great shaking is coming. And yes, we’re likely to see harder times and growing instability in the days to come.

But for the children of God, this can be our finest hour!

I want you to have this new book. And once you’ve read it, I suspect you’re going to want to pass it along to a friend or loved one in need of hope and encouragement.

That’s why I want to send you one of the very first available copies as my special “thank you” for any size gift of support today. It will be an expression of my profound thanks for being a part of helping the poorest and most oppressed Jewish People on Earth.

If God has blessed you with the ability to share a gift of $100 or more right now, I want to send a limited edition, hardcover copy of my book, signed personally by me with gratitude for your partnership. Along with it, I’ll include a CD version of the message.

In 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, the apostle Paul pointed to hope as one of the three big things that will “abide” — faith, hope, and love.

Today, I’m asking you to summon all three of these virtues and help Jewish Voice bring hope to key points of need around the world.

Give in faith — trusting God to honor His promises to abundantly bless the generous giver (especially the one who blesses His People, Israel).

Give in hope — remembering that your gift will be used prudently, prayerfully, and powerfully to transform the lives of some very needy people.

Give in love — because your Father in Heaven first loved you and gave His Son to redeem you. Please click below to share and request your “thank you” gifts. I’m so very grateful for your friendship and support.



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