Remembering Our Relationship with Him
The booths of Sukkot offer us symbols of the fragility and transient nature of life. Tents are temporary, and so are our earthly lives.
This physical world is the only one we’ve known, and though we accept that we’ll someday leave it, life-in-the-moment on planet Earth can feel rather sure. But it really isn’t. Our life could end in any given minute. Besides which, this world won’t last. God is preparing to reveal the New Heaven and New Earth, and this creation will be forgotten (Isaiah 65:17).
Our relationship with God, however, is eternal. Life on Earth is just the beginning of what God has in store for His people. The tents of Sukkot remind us that we shouldn’t get too attached to this world, its pleasures and appearance of security – because only spiritual things last.
“For we know that if the tent, our earthly home, is torn down, we have a building from God – a home not made with human hands, eternal in the heavens.” ––2 Corinthians 5:1
This life is preparing us for eternity. Scripture tells us to invest in the eternal over this Earth. This includes investing in our relationships with God by feasting on His Word and basking in His presence through prayer and worship. It means sowing into other people’s lives with His love and wisdom through acts of kindness, caring and ministry. It means using your gifts to help others and so much more. These are the treasures that can’t be taken away from us.
What really matters in this life? What kind of heavenly treasures might God be calling you to pursue today? For the coming year? Is He inviting you to spend more time with Him in His Word? Is He putting it on your heart to be more mindful of opportunities to minister to others? Determine today to heed His call for an eternal mindset.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in or steal.” ––Matthew 6:19–20
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