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Thousands will come. . . and it will change their lives

July 07, 2015

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It was the day before our Gondar, Ethiopia, clinic opened, and already there was a line. Kebede spent the night outside in line with his family to make sure they were seen on Day One. They did not sleep because of the cold night air, and they had nothing to eat. Many people we met on opening day of our 2014 Gondar clinic had made an extreme effort to reach us and receive medical care. For most, it was their only opportunity all year.  And some came to us too late. Their illnesses were too far advanced. We lost some precious children to their illnesses because they had no access to medical care when they needed it most. But thousands will come to us this time, and a visit to the JVMI clinic will change their lives.

That is why we are going back. The task of conducting a medical outreach is enormous. We work all year to get everything in order, and we have one precious week to help these dear people. That’s why it’s so important that we go back with a full team of outreach partners, both medical and non-medical.



iwant-gondar.png   Join Our Gondar Medical Outreach Team and Be the Difference!  

If we have a full team…

  • More of these needy, beautiful people can receive medical care.
  • More children will be healed of infections that could otherwise cost them their lives.
  • More elderly men and women will be relieved of needless pain.
  • More men and women will go from being blind to seeing again.
  • More parents will survive to care for their children.

If we don’t have a full team…

  • How many will we have to turn away on the last day?
  • How many will succumb to their illnesses and injuries?
  • How many will not be alive to visit us another year?


Group Departures for Gondar from Either East or West Coast!

We have great news for our outreach partners! The full package price for our Gondar outreach includes the cost of travel from either Los Angeles or Washington, DC. Just let us know your preferred departure city when you register. The choice is yours! 


  simien-mountains-text.jpg   The Simien Mountains National Park in Northern Ethiopia is an exotic setting filled with unique wildlife and a breathtaking landscape shaped by nature and traditional agriculture. This region has been filling visitors –both local and international – with awe since well before its formation as a national park in the 1960s. Join us for our Gondar outreach and visit this spectacular Ethiopia attraction free!   iwant-gondar.png ShareIcon copy.pngAnswer the Call – Share! Even  if you can’t come with us, you can still have a major impact in the  lives of needy people by sharing this information with your doctors,  friends, and church.We know that not everyone can answer the call to go on an outreach. But there’s also a call to share about these life-changing adventures so that others can go! Without enough medical professionals, we can’t bring healing to these dear people. Without our clinics, we’re also missing the vital opportunity to share the eternal life-saving hope of Yeshua. Will you answer the call to help us spread the word? Click here for a short video and sharing tools.     1435876621_send-user.png Answer the Call – Send! There’s a third way you can impact lives in the areas where we serve. Aside from the individual costs covered by each outreach partner for their own participation, these medical outreaches are an enormous expense. Your contributions help send vital medication, medical supplies, and equipment into the field so that we can provide the physical and spiritual care these desperate people need. Answer the call to send!  Click here to contribute.   Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches?   You don’t have to be a medical professional   to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of medical mission trips on the  Medical Outreaches  page of  our website . Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!


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