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U.S. and Israel – What Will the Future Hold?

September 30, 2016

As the U.S. prepared for and reacted to the first debate of 2016 between candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, a state visit by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu led to meetings with both presidential hopefuls to ensure strong U.S.–Israel relations.

After privately meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Clinton camp released a statement reiterating her opposition to the UN intervening and imposing a solution on Israel and the Palestinians.

While Netanyahu’s readout of his meeting with the two candidates was nearly identical, statements from Trump and Clinton stressed different subjects.

Trump went on record saying the “military assistance provided to Israel and missile defense cooperation with Israel are an excellent investment for America” and regarding Iran, the Trump statement said the nuclear deal was “discussed at length,” but gave no more details.

One standout comment distinctly separated the two candidates as Trump also mentioned the Jewish people’s 3,000-year tie to Jerusalem, saying his administration would recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel.

Just hours after the debate, Netanyahu took to Twitter to state that when it comes to Washington’s continued support of Israel, “it doesn't matter” whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is elected.

This echoed his words pre-debate when he spoke of the candidates similarities, “Both of them talked about their support of Israel, and the importance of the ties between the two countries,” he said. Earlier this month the Prime Minister underscored continued friendship with the U.S. by commenting on current relations. “It is no secret that there have been disagreements between me and President Obama, first and foremost on the Iran issue,” Netanyahu said. “But it is also clear these disagreements did not harm at all the stable and strong relationship between the two countries.”

Netanyahu also stressed that the relationship between the two countries is not only based on shared interests, but also on shared values, with the American people – whom he said support Israel as much now as ever.

While I pray this is true, an undercurrent of anti-Israeli and even anti-Semitic thought must be confronted in the U.S. and abroad by sharing the radical love of Yeshua (Jesus) with every lost soul. Please join me in praying for our leaders, for spiritual and diplomatic understanding. Meetings like the ones we witnessed just days ago are in step with God’s End-Time plan, and though we should be watchful, as Believers, we should also be encouraged as the day of our Lord is ever-closer!

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