Now is an opportune time to pray for the Lord’s ministry in Africa among the Jewish people. While we are getting ready to embark on a ministry trip in Zimbabwe, we are simultaneously completing a Medical Outreach in Ethiopia. Please join us in these pressing requests for effective, Spirit-led ministry.
As we conclude our Medical Outreach to the Dawro people in Ethiopia, please pray for:
- Effective ministry on the two last days of the Medical Outreach (Wednesday and Thursday, November 11–12), including salvations and healing
- Safety and protection as we pay local workers and pack up the Clinic
- The Lord’s watchful care as team members and medical professionals travel home
- Help for the local Messianic congregation in following up with new Believers after the Outreach and identifying new leaders
As we make regional visits to the Lemba people in Zimbabwe November 16–20, please pray for:
- Energy, safety and anointing as we travel to minister among the Lemba people in a different region in Zimbabwe each day
- The LifeStraws® we provide to be received as a cup of cool water in Yeshua’s (Jesus’) name and testify of His love and provision
- Unity and effective partnerships with the local Messianic leaders in each area
- Our time with these regional leaders to be both ministry with and ministry to them as we pray and encourage them in the Lord
- The Lord’s strong protection and clear guidance each step of the way as we seek to walk by His Spirit and faithfully steward divine appointments
Let’s Pray
Lord, each time we minister in the nations, we see You at work among the Jewish people, bringing salvation and making Your name known. May Your hand be upon us during these two ministry times, both of which are open doors for the Good News. As we pray right now and continue in prayer for this ministry, please give us accurate and timely discernment regarding Your strategies for current and future effective ministry in the nations. May people be saved, leaders encouraged, and ultimately, nations discipled, for Your glory! In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.