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Is This What the Third Temple Will Look Like?

April 07, 2016

Is This What the Third Temple Will Look Like?  

The ancient soil of the land of Israel continues to provide thrilling surprises for archeologists and Bible historians.

For example, a few weeks ago a hiker walking a trail in the Galilee region of northern Israel noticed a shiny object in the grass beside the trail and picked it up. As it turned out, recent rains had unearthed a 2,000-year-old gold coin bearing the image of Caesar Augustus, who ruled the Roman Empire when Yeshua (Jesus) was born. The astonished antiquities experts who examined it believe it to be the only surviving example ever found.

Previously in this update, I brought your attention to a remarkable archeological find in Israel on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee—the ancient ruins of the community of Magdala.

Last year, excavations revealed the ancient Jewish community’s synagogue, which would have been standing in Yeshua’s time. Biblical historians believe Yeshua would have attended and taught there.

This last week, the dig revealed new and exciting artifacts, including a bronze, ceremonial incense shovel (in Hebrew a mahta) and a ceremonial water pot.

In the middle of the synagogue’s main hall, a stone was uncovered, now known as the Magdala Stone. It depicts the Second Temple of Jerusalem, with a carved seven-branched menorah on one of its sides.

These exciting discoveries serve as unique reminders that the Jewish People have been tied to the Land of Israel for millennia, and that we need to do everything we can to support them and the nation of Israel in this time of surging hostility and hate.

Here at Jewish Voice Ministries, we’re working harder than ever to proclaim the truth about Israel in the media and rally support for the Jewish People amid a rising tide of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism that is sweeping the globe.

That’s why your ongoing support is so important and so appreciated. When you support Jewish Voice Ministries, you join hands with us in these efforts and more. Your gifts make you a partner in taking humanitarian aid and the Gospel to Jewish people around the globe. Your help brings life-saving medical care and eternal life-giving hope to thousands of hurting people.

Please prayerfully consider a special gift today to the ongoing work of Jewish Voice. You can share by clicking this link. For your gift of $50 or more today, we’d like to send you a replica of the Second Temple.Detailed in gold and silver plating, this small sculpture will inspire you to pray for Jewish people everywhere who need to know their Messiah has come as the perfect, atoning sacrifice for our sin.


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