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Will you partner with us again as we continue our outreach efforts?

February 28, 2020
Partner with us as we continue our Outreach efforts

Our first Medical Outreach of the year begins in just a few days! We will be ministering in Enewari, Ethiopia, from March 5-15.

I hope you will join me in praying for many bodies and hearts to be healed in the name of Jesus. I also hope you will prayerfully consider the request I’m about to share with you — the timing is perfect with this first Outreach of 2020 about to begin.

Thanks to the prayers and support of caring partners like you, our Medical Outreaches have grown. Last year, we provided care to more than 90,000 people in Africa!

In even more exciting news — through our Medical Outreach efforts last year, 754 people told us they made a first-time profession of faith in Yeshua as Messiah!

Will you partner with us again as we continue our outreach efforts among Jewish people in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and other parts of the world?

Passover is around the corner, are you ready?

For your generous donation of $150 of more, we would like to bless you with the new Jewish Voice Messianic Passover Seder Kit

Commemorate this Passover with all of the essential Seder components, a complete Passover guide, and the DVD titled “Yeshua’s Final Passover” - filmed on location in Jerusalem in the Upper Room.

Life can be very difficult for many of these descendants of the “Lost Tribes of Israel.” Most are living in extreme poverty, with little or no access to clean water, medical care or other basic needs.

That’s why God has called Jewish Voice Ministries to help show His love for His people, by providing:

  • Clean water to fight disease
  • Medical care for people who have little or no access to doctors
  • Dental care to alleviate pain and save lives threatened by infection
  • Eye care for people who are blind or have limited sight, giving them the ability to see by treating cataracts, trachoma and vitamin A deficiency

When someone receives help like this, their life is changed. But that’s only the beginning, because every patient we serve also has the opportunity to receive prayer and hear the Good News of Jesus, the Messiah. Then they are invited to join a local church or Messianic congregation to nurture their spiritual growth.

And none of this would be possible without the prayers and financial support you and other caring partners provide.

That’s why I’m asking you to give generously today to help provide physical and spiritual healing for God’s Chosen People who are scattered around the world.

You could help someone like the woman who came to our Medical Outreach in Zimbabwe — she had been unable to speak for 14 years!

Her mother told us they had been to doctors, but nothing helped. They came to us for prayer with the hope that Jesus would heal her.

And He did! Our volunteers prayed over her and one of them said, “It went from quiet to all of a sudden we got a hallelujah out of her!”

That volunteer also said, “You immediately saw a difference in her. It was like the weight of the world just left her … she was a new woman!”

I hope you can help today. Just think of the difference you will make in the lives of Jewish people and their neighbors in Africa!

And allow me to thank you for your support by sending a special gift in appreciation for your partnership.

Passover is just around the corner, if you’re able to give any amount today, I’ll send you the new and expanded Jewish Voice Messianic Passover Haggadah, which is a complete guide to conducting your very own Passover Seder.

For your generous gift of $150 or more, you’ll receive the Haggadah plus the new Jewish Voice Messianic Passover Seder Kit, which includes a Seder plate, Kiddush cup, two candleholders, a Matzah cover and the DVD, Yeshua’s Final Passover.

I know these gifts will enrich your Passover experience and explain how the traditions of Passover and the Passover Seder point to Yeshua as the Lamb of God.

As you give generously, please know that you’re helping to provide Jewish people with the best new beginning they could ever want or need.

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